Ideamotive Weekly Digest 3/2019 — code, tech & startups

Michał Rejman
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2019

If it’s Friday… it’s Ideamotive’s Weekly Digest! Dig into top-quality content collected by our team this week. Ready-to-click and ready-to-read! ☕

➡ 1. PODCAST FOR PROGRAMMERS — Here’s a superb collection of podcasts for programmers. Over 40 categories and hundreds of podcast to choose from. 😍 Kudos for Rajeev N Bharshetty for this awesome work! 👉

➡ 2. 42 PERFORMANCE TIPS FOR RUBY ON RAILS — Learn how to make your Ruby on Rails application much faster with these simple tips. Do you use all of them? 👉

➡ 3. HOW TO CONVINCE YOUR BOSS THAT YOU CAN WORK REMOTELY? Remote work revolution is happening now. If you are working in tech your chances of working from home/from Bali are relatively high. Good news is, you don’t need to look for a new remote job to have that — you can just convince your current employer. Check out this amazing guide from Remote-how 🚀 👉

➡ 4. FAIL BETTER: TURNING SOFTWARE ERRORS INTO DOCUMENTATION — how big is teaching potential of error messages? And how to make the most out of your errors? 👉

➡ 5. HOW TECHNOLOGY IS HIJACKING YOUR MIND? Technology changes the way we think and process information — nothing new about it. But how EXACTLY does it happen? And how we can fight back? 👉

➡ 6. THE 10 BEST TED TALKS OF THE YEAR — picked by TED’s head curator, Chris Anderson. This juicy collection will make your brain pop! 👉

➡ 7. THE MISTAKES I MADE AS A BEGINNER PROGRAMMER — Are you on the beginning of your programming career? You may want to read this one… With over 67K claps on Medium author, Samer Buna is taking you through 25 most common biases that juniors tend to make. 👉

➡ 8. GOOGLE TAKES ITS FIRST STEPS TOWARD KILLING THE URL — Members of Google’s Chrome security team put forth a radical proposal: Kill off URLs as we know them. They want to rework how browsers convey what website you’re looking at so that you don’t have to contend with increasingly long and unintelligible URLs. 👉

➡ 9. HOW TO WRITE A KILLER TECHNICAL PORTFOLIO? Some great tips on creating your technical portfolio and improving your chances of landing a great job. 👉

➡ 10. BEST TECH OF CES 2019 — With CES 2019 being over, it’s time to sum it up. Here’s a collection of best tech solutions presented this year in Vegas. From laptops and smartphones to wearables and transportation. Enjoy! 👉

