Ideamotive Weekly Digest 4/2019 — code, tech & startups

Michał Rejman
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2019

And now… Sit down, relax, grab your coffee (or whatever it is you’re drinking today) and enjoy the Ideamotive Weekly Digest — a collection of the best content from the Web put together by our Team!

➡ 1. YOU WORTHLESS REDDIT USERS — Reddit raised $300 million in Series D of funding. Congrats! On the occasion we learned that Reddit’s value per user is much lower than that of other social networks including Facebook, Snap, Twitter and Pinterest (for example it is $0.30 for Reddit vs. $7.37 for Facebook). Surprised? We can’t say we are… 👉

➡ 2. SWITZERLAND OFFERS CASH TO HACKERS WHO CAN CRACK ITS E-VOTING SYSTEM — The Swiss government is offering up to €44,000 to hackers who can detect vulnerabilities in its e-voting system. Lower amounts of cash will be handed out to hackers who can flag ways to violate voter privacy, infiltrate the servers or reveal best practices that have not been followed. 👉

➡ 3. WHAT’S COMING TO RAILS 6.0? — Rails 6.0 will be released soon and it’s packed with many features that both smaller and bigger applications will benefit from, as it feels like many improvements around speed and scalability were introduced in Rails 6. 👉

➡ 4. SPIDER-VERSE OPEN SOURCED — Are you still hyped after latest Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse movie? You may like the news that Sony Pictures Imageworks has contributed a software tool used to create this film (and bunch of others) to the open source community. Outstanding move, guys! 👉

➡ 5. AD CODES SLOWS DOWN WEBSITES SIGNIFICANTLY — Patrick Hulce, developer from Dallas after deep analysis of the most popular one million websites came into conclusion that ads are responsible for making web pages slow to a crawl. You can check which third party scripts are most responsible for excessive JavaScript execution here:

➡ 6. CREATING ANIMATIONS IN REACT — Animating your React apps doesn’t have to be a hassle. With these helpful components and prebuilt animation keyframes, you’ll be adding animation to your apps in no time. 👉

➡ 7. 12 CONCEPTS THAT WILL LEVEL UP YOUR JAVASCRIPT SKILLS — article tackles 12 concepts that are critical for any JS developer to understand. Are you aware of all of them? 👉

➡ 8. HOW DELIVEROO IMPROVED PERFORMANCE WITH RUST How to leverage a power of Rust and improve your ROR based applications — case study from Deliveroo. 👉

➡ 9. REMOTE PRODUCTIVITY HACKS — Stephen Wolfram, creator of Mathematica shares his deep insights on productivity, working remotely and staying relevant while running a tech company. Long read but worth it! 👉

➡ 10. Y COMBINATOR RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPERS — Y Combinator (Hacker News) put together the list of resources for devs they’ve been building over the years. Dig into tons of quality content. 👉

