Ideamotive Weekly Digest — code, tech & startups

Michał Rejman
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2018

Is it Friday already? :O Before you turn off your all the devices and engage the festivity mode, let’s dig in into the most interesting content collected by our team this week:

➡ 1. STATE OF HIRING DEVS IN 2018 — an amazing summary of devs global job market based on Who Is Hiring section on Hacker News. Cities with the greatest demand for employees, most wanted technologies and top roles that are being hired. It’s all here 👉

➡ 2. THE 7 DEADLY SINS OF USING REACT — React is powerful. But it is easy to screw up a React project, especially when you have not yet mastered it. Here are 7 common mistakes that React devs tend to make 👉

➡ 3. DECLUTTERING A REACT APP — how to reduce the size of our React App code by about 25% 👉

➡ 4. RUBY 2.6 JIT — PROGRESS AND FUTURE. Performance, portability, stability, and security — let’s hear from the k0kubun, the creator of JIT compiler in Ruby 2.6 version 👉

➡ 5. SAVE HOUR OF WORK WITH RACK MIDDLEWARES — useful tips on how to make your life in Ruby on Rails easier with Rack interface 👉

➡ 6. RUBYCONF2018 RECAP. The dust after RubyConf2018 in LA is settling down. It was solid three days of lectures, learning, and networking. Let’s check most important quotes and best talks 👉

➡ 7. THINGS NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT BEING A SOFTWARE ENGINEER — from female developer’s perspective 👉

➡ 8. HOW TO BUILD A GROWTH TEAM? Are you responsible for growing the product? You should definitely check this presentation by Andrew Chan, former head of Rider Growth at Uber. Valuable stuff! 👉

➡ 9. SHOULD YOU STOP LEARNING FRAMEWORKS? — technologies come and go. How should you invest your learning time to ensure the best use of your time? 👉

➡ 10. THE YODA OF SILICON VALLEY — profile of Donald Knuth, author of coder’s bible “The Art of Computer Programming” and one of the most important persona in the history of algorithms 👉

Thanks for reading!


