How To Handle Success Like a Boss

How do you deal when attention and recognition don’t follow success?

Aaron Webber
3 min readOct 23, 2018


Nice job, hotshot. Don’t blow it!

You did it! You managed to pull off your latest endeavor!

Now what?

In simple form, don’t believe your own press releases.

Now, I am in the agency world, I am in the personal branding world, I understand social media, I get the value of letting the world know your accomplishments.

Of course the enterprises I’m involved in make press releases when necessary, but I come from the premise that all press releases are lies; all resumes are lies.

When you take that approach, as negative as it may seem, you don’t get disappointed.

What to do?

The number one mistake I see is people begin to believe their own press releases. Press releases are rarely more than jargon-filled brags that do not excite anyone outside of your own wheelhouse. No one else believes your press releases, why should you believe your own?

Never write a press release about the things you’ve done and more importantly, never be in that mindset.

It’s all about the team. I don’t care who you are or what you do, or if you’re the star player on the team; someone has to get you the ball, someone has to finish the play, someone has to get the water bottle, someone has to do all the other elements that are involved with success.

If you want to be ‘that guy,’ then take the credit. If you want to be a true leader, if you want to go on to continued success in life, and in this particular endeavor, then deflect all attention, all praise and all approbation to “the team.” Get in the habit of instinctively doing that, so it’s not some game you’re playing.

If you have to worry about how to handle success or attention after accomplishing goals then you’re focused on the entirely wrong thing. Success and attention comes when you do good work, and the more good work you do the more attention you get.

However, you can burst that balloon in an instant if all of a sudden you start strutting around the farmyard like a banty rooster because you think you’re “all that and a bag of chips.”

The hand-star thing is a little much, but I like the idea.

Nothing will turn off the team, the people that look to you or others, that want to engage with you, more rapidly than you taking that approach. Nothing is more attractive than someone who understands how to handle the accolades, and take compliments gracefully but deflects and defers appropriately to the team.

That’s how you handle success. Don’t believe your own press releases, and defer all accolades and all attention to “the team”.

Be the giver of attention rather than the seeker of attention, and you’ll be just fine.

Aaron Webber is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Webber Investments LLC, as well as a Managing Partner at Madison Wall Agencies.

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Aaron Webber

Chairman and CEO, Webber Investments. Partner at Idea Booth/BGO.