The Power of OR versus AND

Find yourself in a professional rut? You’re stuck with the OR mentality.

Aaron Webber
4 min readOct 13, 2017


There is a mechanism or, rather, a strategy for thinking that I employ which helps me understand where myself, or any organization I’m apart of, stand. I call it the versus test.

This versus that: branded vs. branding, “or” vs. “and”, and international vs. global.

I’ll use these as examples of the principle. It can help you determine where you stand relative to where you want to be or should be. I’ve found it to be a useful internal measuring metric.

I’ll expand a bit with the first.

Branding vs. Branded.

“Branding” tells your story, it places imagery in people’s minds, gives them a philosophical understanding of who you are and what you are about. It allows them to build an expectation of how you would behave and what you stand for as a brand. Branding builds the brand, sustains the brand, and it depicts the values of the brand.

“Branded” is a much lazier approach. It doesn’t aim to tell a story but rather slap a logo on something an call it a day. Those old coasters, pens, or other sundry items that you see given out at useless events that end up lying around the office. There is little value in these efforts, and they are nothing short of a waste of time and money.

“Branding” is focused on growing your business, it’s about building your brand, and aligning your customers with you in an authentic way.

“Branded” is just checking a box, it’s going through the motions. It feels hollow, and employees notice. It does little to bring in revenue, and only grows your costs.

When you are looking to implement a marketing strategy, you must stop and ask: Is this building our legacy? Our Story? Is this improving our perception in the marketplace?

If the answer is yes, then you know you are actively branding, and not just being branded.

Nike is branding, not branded.

Or Versus And

All too often, we set up our business structures and (dare I say without getting too philosophical) our life, in an AND/OR environment.

I can have money OR time.

I can work OR be at home.

I can enjoy my life OR slave away at my job.

Much more preferable, in terms of life design (or business strategy) is swapping out the “or” for “and”.

Why can’t you build your business AND have fun?

Why can’t you make money AND have time?

Why can’t you be at work AND enjoy your life?

If you approach life and business strategy from an AND mechanism, it becomes inclusive and makes for a more worthwhile end result. Try it next time when planning your next step. It will force you to find creative solutions to have more of what you want, and your life and business ventures will end up more fruitful.

Are you international? Or are you global?

International vs. Global

Without sounding overly critical, this is an example I think has relevance for many companies in terms of how they see themselves as operating and the way they really operating. A lot of companies list themselves as internationally-based solely on the fact they have offices or a presence in more than one geography.

Good on them!

But that doesn’t mean they’re global. Global speaks to reach, it speaks to a mindset that operates internationally but behaves locally. They maintain their branding across countries, but at the same time put a local accent on it.

A great example of this is McDonald’s. I don’t particularly enjoy their food, it’s universally poor, but the point is it’s universal. If you walk into a McDonalds anywhere in the world, you will find a consistent brand and brand story. However, they will adapt themselves appropriately based on the market they’re in.

You’ll find melon flavored shakes in the Philippines, almost no beef on the menu in India, or Beet Root on the burger in New Zealand. All sorts of local adaptations are found that align with the local culture and customs, all the while maintaining their central brand theme. They don’t impose themselves locally, but listen and adapt to the feedback. They are a truly global corporation.

Global gives credence to the central brand message of who you are and what you are about. It speaks to a consistent DNA but allows for different subtle personifications based on markets. So again, as you analyze how your business operates in the world, you need to ask, are you international or global?

These versus mechanisms are solely intended on analyzing, with brutal honesty, where you sit. You can’t move forward in any venture without having an absolutely clear vision of a) where you are now and, b) where it is you strive to be.

Charting the course to get from A to B becomes really straightforward once you have an unambiguous start and finish point. Using this versus methodology can help you determine these points.

I highly recommend it to help any company or individual trying to determine where it is they would like to go.

Aaron Webber is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Webber Investments LLC, as well as a Managing Partner at Madison Wall Agencies.

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Aaron Webber

Chairman and CEO, Webber Investments. Partner at Idea Booth/BGO.