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Re-tale Retail

Jitesh Vyas
Ideas and Words
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2017


I’m still stuck on this New York Times survey ranking the importance of the big 5 tech companies:

Source: New York Times

I voted Amazon off the island first because I barely use it. I prefer the in-store retail experience mainly because I can interact with the goods I’m about to purchase and get that instant gratification. But in-store experiences are still painful.

I wrote a quick idea about chatbots in the retail space a while back:

I’d probably listen to a bot if I asked it about a shirt I’m looking at in Wal-mart and the bot told me the shirt I’m browsing is the cheapest of its kind in the area, it matches with 47% of the things in my wardrobe and only consumes 14% of my monthly shopping budget — Can a Bot learn to ABC?

I think it would cool to have a personal shopping aide. That chatbot would help validate my purchasing decisions, and that would reduce the impulse buying habit I have in stores.

In-store is pretty exhausting too, especially grocery shopping. Constant stop-and-go with the cart, pulling items off the rack, and reading through 50 words of fine print just to see there’s an ingredient I can’t eat, and finally putting the item back. It would be a huge time saver to have an app that uses image recognition to scan packaging and come back to me with a big green check-mark if it matches dietary restrictions, health goals, isn’t in my pantry at home and complements other things I have or am buying.

It would also be nice if I could skip the line-up which is the biggest bottle neck in a store. That Amazon ad got me thinking, and why not take it a step further? Why even leave your car? I think if Wal-mart can rationalize their customer’s top 50 small-sized products purchased, it could definitely set up a drive-thru for those goods. Let your customers drive by, pick up to 8 items like the express checkouts, and have a robot quickly pull together their order like a vending machine. I can’t imagine all the times I’ve had to go inside a massive store for 1 item and wait in line for 10 minutes, totally unnecessary.

While Amazon can service us from the comfort of our homes, I think it’s nice to get out and do some shopping once in a while, and maybe some consumer facing tech products can make the experience amazon-g.

Out of pure coincidence, a day after I posted this, the HBO TV series Silicon Valley presented an app called “See-Food”, which was similar to an app called MealSnap from 2011. It did the health goals component of this idea, but not dietary restrictions and complementary product selection.



Jitesh Vyas
Ideas and Words

I’m interested in understanding what inspires people to do the things they do. Views are my own.