Never Miss Anything With Adaptive Alerting

Just connect your business data and crystal’s AI takes over

Ideas @ iGenius
4 min readFeb 24, 2020


If you run a business, you know that knowledge can be the difference between making a loss or turning a profit. The problem is leaders can’t access the information vital to making critical decisions — either because their data is too complex to crunch, or they waste weeks or months waiting on data experts to deliver insight reports.

A PwC report revealed an alarming gulf between what information CEOs count as critical for their decision-making and their access to it.

For example, 92% of CEOs see financial forecasts and projections as critical, but just 41% feel they get them. The same goes for data on customers’ preferences and needs — with 94% against 15% — and on risks which the business is exposed to — with 87% vs 22%.

CEOs aren’t confident they know enough about their business. Even with access to critical data, there’s a skill shortage in interpreting it. Half of companies don’t have enough AI or data literacy skills to “achieve business value”, according to Gartner.

The old cliche is that knowledge is power, but that knowledge is slipping. We wanted to change that. That’s why we enhanced crystal with Adaptive Alerting.

Have a 24/7 virtual data advisor

Whether you work in sales, operations or customer care, crystal lets you plug all your business data into one conversational interface, and get advice based on it by just asking.

Adaptive alerting takes this a step further. You can now set your own alerts — with specific or non-specific criteria — and leave it to crystal’s AI to track your data and tell you when you need to take action.

There are three kinds of alerts you can set:

1) Custom Alerts

Let’s say you’re a maintenance manager running loads of machines, and want to keep things running smoothly. You could ask:

Give crystal a specific metric and specific criteria and she’ll notify you when it happens. So in the above scenario, she might send you a push notification like this:

2) Auto-Alerts

Here, you’re a medical sales rep and need to keep on top of a product’s sales numbers. You could ask:

Auto-alerts are completely AI-based. That means you just give crystal a metric, and she’ll scour the data 24/7, learn over time, spot patterns and automatically detect anomalies. These anomalies might be inconsistencies or other important changes that could need action. In the above, she might send you this push notification:

Auto-alerts are powered by a complex set of algorithms that we call Adaptive Threshold. Here’s our SVP of Product, Shy Alter, explaining more:

3) Reminders

You’re an insurance sales agent that needs to manage your clients’ plans. You could ask:

A reminder lets you set a regular update on specific criteria. This way, you can stay up-to-date and personalize crystal to your routine. So, if you set the above, she might send you this:

All of your alerts can be managed simply too. Just use the Alerts section on Mobile or Desktop to modify or delete any alerts you’ve set.

With the addition of Adaptive Alerting, the AI advisor can help leaders and their teams have the knowledge they need to make the best decisions.

