A guide to help yourself

Self improvement with a mix of organization

Improving ourselves is something many of us strive to; being the best version of ourselves is worth it.

Aniya Haque
Ideas at Work


Being the best version of yourself means that you need some plan or organization to help you strive to be better. Making yourself better has to start with you accepting the fact that you aren’t going to be spoon fed success.


I learned this by observing two amazing role models in my life. My mom and her mom. Everytime I walk into my mom’s room, I see so many papers, folders, books on her bed and that is not all of it. She is either on a phone call or on her iPad reading documents. While she is on the phone, she is working on her laptop. If she isn’t working she is writing a blog or reading. For my grandmother, she is working. Either checking emails and working or she is trying to learn something. They don’t stop, not even on weekends.

I am trying to make myself better by making use of my lovely planner from Passion Planner. Now I am finishing my school work more efficiently; watching educational videos, reading everyday, and studying (usually math). The best part of self improvement is that you don’t need anyone’s validation. My mom and my grandmother did not depend on anyone!

Now enough about me, it is time for me to tell you the secret of self improvement. Wait for it…. There is no secret! Everyone has different lifestyles, this means that I won’t be giving specific tips. You need to push yourself, but how?

Step One: Motivation

Motivation is the key to doing anything, really. Motivation can be in any form. It can range from quotes on your phone to you motivating yourself. These are the supplies for a journey. If you want to go on a journey, you need tools and food. This is very important then after this stage it really just flows!

Step Two: Setting Goals

You cannot mindlessly and randomly do things that you think are good for you. You have to be organized in this case. You set what you want to achieve however you want to set them, but set them. You can set daily goals mentally, lifetime goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, annual goals.

Step Three: Just do it

This is the last step, just go for it. You got your motivation, you have set your goals, now just go for it! Do everything that is going to make you better. It depends what you are trying to achieve but achieve it!


To conclude what I have told you, you need to do what will help you achieve your goals. Do not let anyone stop you, unless you want to have a unicorn, but that is besides the point. The point is you just need to do it. It won’t take 24 hours. It will take time but you have to be patient and go for it! Hope this helped.



Aniya Haque
Ideas at Work

I’m here to make the world a better place for everyone.