Why Corporate Professionals Don’t Accept They are Wrong

Working with people can be challenging

Ayesha Tariq
Ideas at Work


Today I got an email from someone saying that her original decision was correct. The lady refused to acknowledge that circumstances have changed and consequently, her original decision should be revised.

This got me thinking about how difficult it is for professional people to say that they may have been wrong and they stand corrected.

You know what, it really is difficult and for some very good reasons. Here’s why and what you can do about it.

Admitting a Mistake can Have Real Consequences

This is not the first time I’ve come across a professional refusing to accept that they may have been wrong and this certainly won’t be the last. The truth is, in the professional world admitting to being wrong about something is perceived as a sign of weakness. People think that saying that they may have been mistaken undermines their professional capabilities.

In the professional world, admitting to being wrong is perceived as a sign of weakness.

Still, we tend to trust a professional person’s judgement. So it doesn’t bode well for anyone if they’re wrong…



Ayesha Tariq
Ideas at Work

Mother | Macro & Investment Strategist | Co-Founder, MacroVisor | Contributor on Bloomberg & Fox Business | Ex Corporate Banker