Why You Should Write Even If you Don’t Have Any Writing Goals

Starting on the Journey can Help You Figure Out Your Way

Ayesha Tariq
Ideas at Work


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

When I started writing for Medium, I didn’t think much about writing strategy. I didn’t plan on pitching to publications, or writing for a popular genre. I didn’t even bother to explore how the publications work. I was a paid reader but I couldn’t sign up for the MPP because I couldn’t sort out my Stripe bank account.

All I knew is that I wanted to write. I’d been writing for a long time but, sporadically. I lost interest in building my blog or rather, it became too time-consuming for me. But, here was a platform with an audience just waiting to read your writing (provided you write something of value, of course!). The best part was that it was all so easy. I was already signed up, all I needed to do was write a story and hit publish. And hit publish, I did.

Lo and behold, my writing got picked up by a publication, and a popular one at that. Now, this really piqued my interest. What if I did it again? So I did. I wrote, and I got published again!

So I kept writing, until one day I stopped. I didn’t know what to write because I had no strategy. I thought I had to figure out my niche, and where I wanted to position myself. All this thinking, stopped me from hitting the…



Ayesha Tariq
Ideas at Work

Mother | Macro & Investment Strategist | Co-Founder, MacroVisor | Contributor on Bloomberg & Fox Business | Ex Corporate Banker