The Case For A ‘Coalition of the Sensible’

Simon Costain
Ideas Change Politics
2 min readDec 18, 2015

General Election 2016 — A vision of future economic and social direction

“Dissatisfaction in Manx politics stems from a democratic deficit; the electorate are not in control of the policies that the Isle of Man Government puts forward”

The challenge is upon us to managing the national construct/Marking the necessity for Nation-building/Re-shaping the Manx micro-state in a cosmopolitan, globalised world, for the challenges & demands of the 21st century [re-appropriating the state from the forces of authoritarianism]

nationalists must reconsider the meaning of self-determination, independence, autonomy and sovereignty in an increasingly interconnected world.

Re-constructing the national ‘we’ — building community & [activating?] self-determination - inclusive nationalism (persuading the Manx to be more generous to each other) it is an ideal agenda for the political centre.

Nation-states seek to square national autonomy with deep involvement in regional alliances, trading networks and international organisations

Manx folk don’t believe our recent government have permitted the island to fully assert itself & it’s national interests in this cosmopolitan new millennium (regionalisation)

move govt from sonsultative to openly collaborative poistion on ecoinomy etc

the principle of national self-determination to mean different degrees of autonomy or self-determination

pragmatic response

demands for greater autonomy

Developing relationships with European institutions, other micro-states, the Celtic diaspora (?)

neither extreme nor violent

promoting national identity


Modern Manx Micro-state



sovereignty — sufficient status to become member of Commonwealth & EU?

tackling in-equality

citizen rights


Technology led

more open

more equal

more caring

nurturing human and social resources in what we call the core economy

First, economic inequalities underpin and exacerbate social and cultural inequalities, as well as inequalities of power. Secondly, economic inequalities are widening dramatically and creating increasingly formidable barriers to achieving social justice

Among high-income countries, those with wider inequalities have poorer outcomes for physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage pregnancies, andchild wellbeing.1

“The EU and immigration are not the cause of the hardship being suffered by millions of people throughout the continent — austerity is. The lack of a serious and progressive alternative within the mainstream to this malign and ideologically driven fixation with making the poor pay for the greed of the rich is manna from heaven for those who preach the politics of separation and despair.”

Plan for prosperity without relying on economic growth

Build capacity and control in the core economy



Simon Costain
Ideas Change Politics

Promoting collaborative economy & crowd-created place marketing #hospitality #destinations