Here’s how Canada could boost infrastructure spending — for free

A simple rule change would redirect billions of dollars to projects with a social impact — at no cost to government.

Bill Young
Ideas from Social Capital Partners
1 min readMay 22, 2019


What if there were a way government could boost investments in things like affordable housing and renewable energy without spending a cent? Ottawa could easily redirect billions of dollars toward community infrastructure with a few simple rule changes.

How? By making charitable foundations invest in social impact.

All the government has to do is declare that Canadian foundations must redirect all of their assets toward impact investments, those that generate a positive community impact as well as a financial return. This would mobilize more than $60 billion that is tied up mostly in conventional stocks and bonds. Foundations could be given a deadline of 10 years, after which any returns from traditional investments would be taxed.

Read the whole article here :

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