UW-Eau Claire
Ideas from UW-Eau Claire
3 min readMay 6, 2015


Brought to you by ExperienceU and True Talent Group

Do Your Research

Know the company. Thoroughly review their website, Facebook page and LinkedIn profile. Sign up for their newsletter. Read the annual reports and press releases. Google them. Visit their competitiors’ websites. Learn whatever you can so you can have thoughtful answers to their questions. This way you can also help figure out if the position and company are a good fit for you. Be sure to also familiarize yourself with the job description. Don’t ever go to a job interiew and say “Tell me what you do here.”

Ask Questions

Your curiosity shows not only your expertise, but also your interest in the company and position. It is unacceptable to not come prepared with questions. Bring a notepad and pen and take notes on their responses. Being inquisitive shows that you want the job.

Winning questions include:

  • What do you like about working here?
  • What are some of the things employees here do to stay on top of the latest trends?
  • What is a typical day like for someone in this position?

It is okay to ask about salary and benefits — but do not ask about this in the first interview! There is a time and a place for this conversation; asking too early seems presumptuous.

Avoid Distractions

Don’t douse yourself in perfume or cologne, and don’t smoke just before an interview. Pay attention to your facial expressions; be sure to smile and make eye contact. Watch your posture so you don’t slouch. Of course, dress the part in line with the company culture. Wear your best!

Present Your Work

Having your portfolio in top shape is a major focus for creatives. Set up your portfolio so you can cater it to the potential employer, swapping out pieces that align your expertise with their focus. When presenting, talk about your work in terms of results. Don’t show work that looks dated. This is a time to show passion for what you do. You may choose to ask for feedback or reactions to your portfolio to futher engage the interviewer. Portfolios aren’t just for designers — marketers can present marketing plans and metrics. Writers can leave samples behind.


Review sample questions and have a few responses prepared. Think about examples you can cite from your past that illustrate your experience and good judgement. How will you respond to a question about weaknesses? Take some time to work with a friend in a mock interview. Practicing helps prevent rambling responses, and you can get honest feedback. Just take care to not have your responses sound scripted or canned. The more prepared you are, the less nervous you will be.

Be Specific

Stories are memorable, so use examples of your success. Rather than saying, “I work well under pressure,” describe a time when you worked well under pressure, such as, “I helped complete this ad for our client who called on Monday and needed a final by Tuesday.”

Relax and Be Confident

Arrive to the general area of the interview early so you’re not rushed, but don’t go inside until just before the start time. Take some deep breaths before the interview. Check zippers and make sure nothing is stuck in your teeth. Smile, be confident and be yourself. Then do your best and have fun!

Bonus Quick Tips

  • Bring along extra résumés
  • Search Google News for the company to see what’s new with them
  • Give them a leave-behind such as a mini portfolio
  • Send a follow-up note
  • Visit the company on social media to get insight on their culture

Stacey Stratton is president of True Talent Group, the fastest growing marketing, creative and interactive placement firm in the Twin Cities. With a strategic, consultative sales approach and a critical yet creative eye for talent, Stacey’s efforts have driven triple-digit company growth every year since 2008.

Stacey, originally from Clear Lake, Wisconsin, earned her bachelor’s degree in marketing from UW-Eau Claire in 1998. Her husband, Jon Ernste, also is a UW-Eau Claire graduate.



UW-Eau Claire
Ideas from UW-Eau Claire

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