A New Market Category: Canva Educator

tobi — Audio Writer
Ideas GiveAway
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2020

I initially wanted to write about this a while ago but the resistance let me hold back. Coincidentally, while I was scrolling through the gram the other day, I just stumbled on the idea I had for Instagram content creators.

There’s so much noise online already, the worst thing anyone can do for themselves is to try hard to fit into an already existing market category.

This is the page I found while scrolling through it;

Instagram: Heena Sheikh

Noticed how she created a whole new category called “Canva Educator” from the noise (Instagram growth masters) that existed before?

That same opportunity is available to the rest of us. Someone can decide to to create a new category called “Canva Real Estate Educator” or Canva Video Creator” or “Canva Educator for Small Businesses” etc…



tobi — Audio Writer
Ideas GiveAway

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