Contribute Your Ideas Here

tobi — Audio Writer
Ideas GiveAway
Published in
Aug 15, 2020
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Ideas Giveaway wants to turn everyday writers into thought leaders of tomorrow.

It’ll be an honor to have you as one of the contributors for this publication.

Our mission is simple. To give away ideas that inspire other people to get their best work into the world.

We believe the more you give, the more you get.

Would you like to contribute?

How To Give Away Your Ideas

  1. Submit your article as a draft and submit to the Ideas Giveaway publication. Click Here For Instructions.
  2. You don’t need to have groundbreaking ideas (if you do, that’s fine too), you just need to see something already existing and share how it can be improved to make people’s lives better
  3. Most importantly, reply to this post below and I’ll add you to the publication.



tobi — Audio Writer
Ideas GiveAway

Award winning bathroom singer🥇| write what you love—until you love to write 🫵🏽 | | Editor: Short.Sweet.Valuable💚