Sleeping Made Sweeter

tobi — Audio Writer
Ideas GiveAway
Published in
1 min readAug 27, 2020

(Enjoy sleep even better)

Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash

Create a solution for people who want an experience before they sleep and during their sleep.

Preferably emulating an airplane :airplane:

Our target audience is clear: people who want an experience in their sleep and have never traveled by plane before.

Creating/leaving these people with such experience would leave them asking for more. This system should be able to adopt exactly how an airplane with all the sounds pre-air, in air, and post air (landing). This experience also comes with all the air hostesses and pilots take pre-takeoff, mid-air, and landing announcements respectively.


1. What change are you seeking to make — To give people who have never traveled in an airplane their first-time experience, without a visa or passport.

2. Who are you seeking to change — people who have never traveled overseas by air.



tobi — Audio Writer
Ideas GiveAway

write what you love—until you love to write 🫵🏽 || | Editor: Short.Sweet.Valuable 💚