Making It Up: Synthetic Biology at TEDxBeaconStreet

Ideas In Action
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2017
Ani Liu is making plants that love her back

Think of your favorite science fiction movie. What are some staple elements? Some technology, certainly — no sci-fi is complete without spaceships, teleports, or Iron Man suits. More importantly, sci-fi contains an expanded conception of our universe; it is peopled by characters that look and sound like creatures and things we know…just a bit different.

“Just a bit different.” That’s how Ani Liu, Lisa Nip, and our other synthetic biology Speakers see the world. These women see possibility where others see speculation. And they have the tools to make the possible real.

Synthetic biology is a rapidly advancing field that combines evolutionary biology, genetics, computer engineering, biophysics, and other disciplines to create futuristic possibilities from traits already present in various life forms.

Some scientists are looking at synthetic biology for its possible benefits to the medical field; if a biological compound can be replicated, rather than extracted, then medicines could be easier to make and modify; it would make keeping up with virus evolution more cost-efficient. Kate Adamala is looking at the use of synthetic biology for personalized medicine — and we’ll hear more from her soon.

Lisa Nip wants humans to go to space. But wait — haven’t we already done that? Yes, she says, but not in a sustainable way. Lisa wants us to survive in space, without the hundreds of millions of dollars of gear that we now need. What traits would you need to live an interstellar life? Well, Lisa’s making a list for the humans of the future.

Ani Liu brings a personal touch to synthetic biology. She is fascinated by the olfactory interactions humans have with their world, and is looking to see how the powerful connection between smell and emotions can be examined and harnessed. If one day someone hands you a bunch of violets that smell like cinnamon buns, you’ll have Ani to thank.

Synthetic biology is broad enough to encompass a hundred different paths, from advanced genome editing with tools like CRISPR to simple plant splicing like Gregor Mendel did. We may even be able to tackle other problems like environmental devastation by mimicking compounds only now found in plants.

According to the New York Times, scientists are now contemplating the fabrication of the human genome — meaning, they would use chemicals to manufacture all the DNA contained in human chromosomes. That means that Lisa’s space-friendly humans, Kate’s targeted drug therapies, Ani’s personalized flower bouquets, and almost anything else is possible. It’s just like the science we know — only a little bit different.

Check out all our talks on synthetic biology here!



Ideas In Action

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