How To Create The Perfect Vision Board

And Never Lose Sight Of Your Goals Again

Hamza Khan
Ideas Into Action


Are you working on the right things? Consider that you’ll clock in roughly 1,842 hours of work this year. Assuming you’re getting 8 hours of sleep every night, that number will total 92,100 hours over a 50-year career — roughly 35% of your total waking hours. Is that enough time? Your answer to that question depends on where you are relative to the finish line (your definition of success). I know you work hard. And I do no doubt that on any given day, you’re working on a lot of things. But I have to ask once again: are you working on the right things?

Have you said yes to the things that will bring you closer to realizing your vision of the future? And have you answered no to the things that will hold you back? When you’re caught up in the daily grind, it’s easy to lose your sense of direction. Milestones like raises and promotions, while markers of progress, might become distractions; moving upward doesn’t always mean you’re moving forward. Without your bearings, in some cases, you might even move backward.

A simple and highly effective strategy to keep your eyes on the finish line is to create a vision board.



Hamza Khan
Ideas Into Action

Hamza Khan is a best-selling author, award-winning entrepreneur, and globally-renowned keynote speaker based out of New York.