Joe Biden became the 46th president of USA. Now what?

Mirela-Maria C.
Ideas Outside Ideas
2 min readNov 9, 2020
the white house
Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash

First of all “Thank you, God for making this happen!”
Otherwise not sure what we’re going to do for another 4 years.

I saw the entire election process. It wasn’t fun and it wasn’t nice. It was quite ugly. Beyond the covid-19 tough times, this election was another proof that some people know how to wait with patience for their win and some people don’t know how to lose.

Better for later
I believe this was the first time that we needed almost a week to find out who is the elected president. Although I was excited and anxious to find out, I am glad that it took so long. This means that the process took its normal time because all the votes coming from people sent them through correspondence. The number of ballots needed to be counted one by one. This is the way in a real democracy. This should be the way in any democracy and as transparent as possible.

First actions
The best news I could see after Joe Biden became the official 46th president of USA is the first actions that he want to take basically committing to his promises made during the campaign:

According to Washington Post, Biden has some first actions on his first days in office, most of them were already announced during his campaign. Some of those actions will include:
-rejoining the Paris climate accords
-reversing Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization

Other actions mentioned in the media:
-reaffirm the US’s leadership of the NATO alliance
-combat the Covid-19 with some structured measures based on the recommendations from the infectious disease specialists
-restore protection for all Americans
-make DACA permanent for all young adults
-End the “Muslim ban”
-Eliminate restrictions on union workers

And the list will not end there.

I am sure that Biden has a lot to deal with and I am glad that Kamala Harris is there to support him.

I wrote this article because I am happy.

Like I said before, in my previous article, the US elections matter for the entire world. I am not an American citizen. But I know that everything that the American president thinks, does, speaks and breaths affects the entire world.

Looks like I was right and hopefully this will end soon.

In the meantime, I hope that president Trump will be wise enough to listen to a well-known song and “Let it go!” :)

About Me:
I am a passionate digital marketing specialist, a technical writer, blogger, also a Trekkie, also ARTS lover, also an open-minded person.

Read more thoughts on my blog: Ideas Outside Ideas.



Mirela-Maria C.
Ideas Outside Ideas

I am a passionate digital marketing specialist, a technical writer, blogger, also a Trekkie, also ARTS lover, also an open-minded person.