I guess, this whole thing is back up then.

Daniel Brown
Ideas & Utopias
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2021


If you have watched this space in the past two years, you would have noted an odd silence. Odd even for my lazy and haphazard approach to regular updates, opinion pieces and the occasional long form item.

On the Internet and in today’s world, two years is a lot of time. Virtual light years in the Digital Industry. In any other day and age, I would have expressed my utmost disdain and offered excuses for such a practice.

This time, I don’t.

Life is THAT Journey Song

I have to admit that I thought about using a big excuse and a small excuse for being such a lazy writer and contributor. And as big surprise, the big excuse is not the pandemic. And the small excuse is not turning 40 last year in a new position in a new city.

The reason I am back is because I’ve grown. There is no excuse for that, luckily.

Admittedly, we all grow in our different ways. While some are able to harness the full force of personal growth, others might not. Some may even be afraid of growing beyond themselves. And then there are those who cannot — willingly or unwillingly — harness any of their potential.

For myself, my personal growth in the past two years was a slow process. I noticed how I vibed differently with things beyond my control. How I accepted my lack of power and influence. How some things stopped shaking me to the core.

‘Encore une fois and once more unto the breach’

And yes, there was and still is a fear of the pandemic, of death, loss and crisis. After all, I am not a robot.

Yet throughout the past two years, I was reminded of the things that gave me that feeling of joy, that tingling sensation of curiosity and sense of completion.

Simple things, that are core to me: the thirst for knowledge, how to use it for creating and sensing the “How” and “Why” of the many possible futures ahead and that dear love for communication and those energetic and sometimes insanely intense exchanges of ideas.

And now, in mid-2021, I am back at my untidy and messy desk. And I have decided to return and contribute to Medium’s wide and diverse world of knowledge and information.

Because writing is one of the things that gives me joy ;).



Daniel Brown
Ideas & Utopias

Was mich bewegt? Gute Geschichten über eine bessere Zukunft. Aber noch mehr bewegt mich, an einer besseren Zukunft zur arbeiten