Amy Barad: 30-Second Q&A

Scott Kirkwood
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2021

Amy Barad is Deputy Director, Cowen Institute, a Cofounder of Trellis Hybrid College, and a leader of the Hybrid College Network.

What are you reading?
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott: I’ve been trying to journal more, but I found myself being too perfectionistic about it. Lamott offers the perfect blend of humor and sound advice about how to approach writing.

What are you listening to?
Since becoming a parent in October 2019, I can’t get enough of The Longest Shortest Time. It’s no longer in production, but the episodes are timeless.

Recent film you enjoyed?
I can’t stop thinking about 306 Hollywood, a self-described “magical realist documentary.” It came out in 2018, but I just saw it for the first time. I recently lost a family member, so the film had particular resonance for me, but anyone who enjoys good storytelling will love it.

Favorite newsletter?
Antiracism Daily — and its weekly roundup for anyone who prefers the digest.

What have you changed about your work process since working at home?
I try to have as many walking meetings as I can. If I don’t have to be at my computer for the meeting, I’m out for a neighborhood stroll, which helps me tap into my creativity in a way that sitting doesn’t always allow for.

What are you optimistic about?
The Hybrid College Network met for our second annual convening a few weeks ago and there is power in numbers. We’re exploring new ways to make college degrees a reality for today’s students, and collectively we’ve already served 2,500 students — from California to rural Texas, and from Boston to my hometown of New Orleans.

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Scott Kirkwood
Writer for

Freelance writer. Formerly at National Parks magazine, National Geographic, and the Humane Society of the United States.