Ideas from Europe team
Ideas from Europe
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2017


‘Giving relatives peace of mind’

We are all getting older and stay longer at home. In Europe, estimates are that by 2030 over 25 percent of the population will be over 65. By improving the social care and structures available to assist the elderly, their families, and health service providers, they can receive the care they need and still stay at home.

Howz is a British company that created connected devices to help family members and carers to support those in need. Howz’s products are designed to alert carers when they are needed, meaning they can be confident their loved ones are safe while they are away or at work. It brings peace of mind, by monitoring the elderly’s use of everyday objects, learning what’s normal and alerting the family when things look out of the ordinary.

Jonathan Burr of Howz
Jonathan Burr at the semi-finals of Ideas from Europe 2017, Tallinn, Estonia

Let us know how we can try to help Howz monitor the elderly and bring peace to mind to all of us. Share this post and your thoughts using the hashtag #IFEfinals18 or tweet us.

On April 24, Howz will be attending the finals of Ideas from Europe in The Hague. Go to our website for more information and to follow the live stream!

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Ideas from Europe team
Ideas from Europe

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