DeFi MarketPlace Development for BridgeTower Capital

We are thrilled to introduce our latest client project, BridgeTower, developed by IdeaSoft.

As a global marketplace that operates with the Chainlink PoR (Proof of Reserves) network mechanism, BridgeTower offers flat-to-crypto on- and off-ramp services, setting itself apart by providing products constructed with compliant regulatory adherence.

BridgeTower serves as an institutional gateway to a variety of financial products, including staked securities, custom NFTs, turnkey customized institutional staking, and web 3.0 entities connected to Avalanche and Ethereum. Our solution includes developing a DeFi marketplace for BridgeTower, providing closed features, and integrating third-party systems such as wallets, Lido staking system, and security systems with passing KYC/KYB.

To learn more about the unique features of BridgeTower and our approach to the project, please refer to our case study — DeFi Platform Development for BridgeTower | Case Study, IdeaSoft



IdeaSoft Software Development Company

IdeaSoft is a leading blockchain service provider offering outstanding Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 products, modernizing systems, and implementing new technologies.