Technology Stack for Telemedicine App Development

IdeaSoft Software Development Company
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2021
IdeaSoft tech stack for telemedicine app development

Telemedicine applications store sensitive user data. They are also subject to high load, so such apps need to be secure and productive. To ensure this, developers need to use technologies capable of providing a good balance between security and performance. In this article we’ll talk about how to choose the right technology stack for telemedicine app development and what factors impact this.

Programming languages used in telemedicine

The technology stack dramatically affects any IT project. Depending on the technology chosen, the time, quality, and cost of development can change. Moreover, it affects scalability, so if an IT project was developed on a poorly selected tech stack, it can cause some problems in the future. That’s why it’s okay if it takes you longer than planned to choose a technology stack for telemedicine app development.

A technology stack is a set of programming languages, frameworks, and software needed to develop an application. It consists of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, APIs, SDKs, etc. Before starting telemedicine app development, you will also need to decide on the structure of the application.

Since applications usually consist of client and server parts, the requirements for their functionality change the programming languages, frameworks, and software with which they can be developed. In other words, the requirements for client and server functionality affect the selection of technologies for development.

The duration of telemedicine app development depends on the complexity of the technical part, the features of the user interface, and its functionality. The price of developing a telemedicine application depends on the complexity of the project and the number of program functions. Choosing features for creating a telemedicine app is generally not the easiest task, especially if you want to offer maximum services to doctors and patients.

So, what are the best programming languages to use for healthcare apps? Let`s talk about them in detail

iOS app development

Swift is the number one technology for iOS telemedicine app development. This programming language allows you to build rich applications backed by robust and secure code. Apple created Swift back in 2014 as a simpler and more reliable programming language for iOS applications. Not surprisingly, it quickly pushed its main competitor Objective-C, out of the market.

The main advantages of Swift include the following:

  • Simplicity. Apple likes minimalism. That’s why Swift has a simple syntax. It is easy to read, and easy to write in. Swift is easily understood by developers who know other languages. This fact is crucial when developing an application for multiple platforms.
  • Security. Another strong point of Swift is its functional security. This statically typed language allows programmers to quickly find errors before compiling and fixing them. Security is a crucial factor for any telemedicine app, and Swift is a great technology to provide a high level of information security.

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