Top 10 Web3.0 Development Tools in 2024

IdeaSoft Software Development Company
Published in
6 min readJan 31, 2024

We are on the cusp of the Web3 era, marking a fresh phase characterized by decentralization, digital ownership, and the emergence of innovative applications poised to reshape the internet landscape.

Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is powered by groundbreaking technologies like blockchain, decentralized applications (dApps), and smart contracts. Consequently, developers are eagerly venturing into this dynamic frontier, aiming to leverage its vast potential and pioneer transformative solutions.

The multitude of Web3.0 development tools and platforms makes it challenging to decide which ones are essential for a project’s success. To assist you in navigating this swiftly evolving Web3 landscape, we have compiled an extensive list of the top 10 Web3 dev tools.

Web3.0 startup development tools

Top 10 Essential Web3.0 Development Tools

You probably already know what Web3.0 is. If you don`t, you can read our article about what Web3.0 is. Below are listed the top 10 web3.0 startup development tools you must know.


Tenderly is a top-notch Web 3.0 tool for monitoring, debugging, and analyzing Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Tailored to meet the unique needs of developers in the Ethereum ecosystem, this platform offers a comprehensive toolkit. Key features of Tenderly encompass:

  • Visual Debugger and Real-Time Monitoring
  • Alerting and Notifications to address issues promptly
  • Gas Profiler for optimizing smart contract performance
  • Simulation and testing capabilities for smart contract development
  • Seamless integration with development tools for user convenience

Tenderly aids developers in creating, testing, and optimizing their smart contracts and dApps, ensuring the utmost levels of security, performance, and reliability.


Hardhat stands out as a widely embraced and adaptable development environment tailored for Ethereum, strategically engineered to streamline the generation, testing, and deployment of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Notable features of Hardhat include:

  • Task Runner automates routine tasks
  • Hardhat Network presents a local Ethereum network emulator
  • Extensible Plugin System enables seamless integration with diverse tools and services through plugins developed by the community
  • Solidity compiler integration enhances the efficiency of contract development
  • TypeScript support elevates the overall development experience.

This platform caters to Ethereum developers with a potent and expandable infrastructure. It furnishes various features and Web3 startup tools to refine the development workflow and boost productivity.


Foundry, crafted by ConsenSys, emerges as a comprehensive smart contract development toolchain. It is proficient in handling dependencies, compiling projects, executing tests, deploying contracts, and facilitating command-line and Solidity script interactions with the blockchain. Key features of Foundry include:

  • Simplified blockchain development
  • Pre-built integrations
  • Customizable templates
  • Enterprise-grade security features
  • ConsenSys support

The key components of Foundry are Forge (Ethereum testing framework comparable to Truffle and Hardhat), Cast (tool for interacting with EVM smart contracts, managing transactions, and retrieving chain data), and Anvil (local Ethereum node, akin to Ganache or Hardhat Network).

How to choose the best tech stack for your project? Contact IdeaSoft team meticulously selects the most optimal stack of Web3 tools for startups tailored to specific needs.

The Graph

The Graph stands as a decentralized protocol and indexing service designed for the querying and organization of data sourced from blockchains and decentralized networks. This innovative platform empowers Web3 startup developers to construct robust, scalable, and data-centric applications without relying on centralized servers or proprietary APIs. Key features of The Graph encompass:

  • Decentralized querying and indexing
  • Composable data indexes (Subgraphs)
  • GraphQL API
  • Decentralized network for data processing
  • Cross-chain compatibility

Through its provision of a standardized, open-source, and decentralized approach to accessing on-chain data, The Graph significantly streamlines the development process, fostering innovation within the blockchain ecosystem.

OpenZeppelin Defender

OpenZeppelin is a comprehensive suite of open-source Web3 security tools, libraries, and frameworks meticulously crafted to aid developers in crafting secure, reliable, and scalable smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) across various blockchain platforms, with a primary focus on Ethereum. Key features of OpenZeppelin encompass:

  • Reusable and audited smart contract components
  • Solidity libraries
  • Upgradable contracts
  • Security audits
  • OpenZeppelin Contracts Wizard

This platform strongly emphasizes offering reusable and audited smart contract components, streamlining development processes, and mitigating potential security vulnerabilities.


Alchemy is a robust and reliable infrastructure provider, offering developers convenient access to Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, and other blockchain networks. It eliminates the need for setting up and maintaining individual nodes. Key features of Alchemy encompass:

  • Multi-chain support
  • Feature-rich API
  • Easy integration
  • Secure environment for interacting with different blockchain networks
  • Comprehensive dashboard and analytics

The core objective of Alchemy is to streamline the development and deployment of decentralized applications (dApps) by furnishing a secure, user-friendly API for interacting with diverse blockchain networks.

Orderly Network

Orderly Network represents a fusion of an orderbook-based trading infrastructure and a resilient liquidity layer that encompasses both spot and perpetual futures orderbooks. Diverging from conventional platforms, Orderly Network doesn’t feature a traditional front end; rather, it operates as the backbone of the ecosystem, delivering vital services to projects constructed atop it. Key features of Orderly Network encompass:

  • Unified orderbook and liquidity
  • Quick & easy development
  • Ready-to-use liquidity
  • CEX-level performance
  • Self-custody
  • Collaborative ecosystem

Its DEX white-label solution is meticulously designed to optimize time and capital for developers while providing access to meticulously established liquidity. By the way, IdeaSoft team continously working on Orderly Network back-end technology and infrastructure layers.

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Orderly Network Case Study


Chainlink operates as a decentralized oracle network. It acts as a crucial bridge between smart contracts and real-world data. Key features of Chainlink include:

  • Decentralized oracle network
  • Data feed aggregation
  • Customizable oracle nodes
  • External adapter support
  • Blockchain agnostic

It facilitates secure and reliable interactions with off-chain data sources, APIs, and diverse resources, significantly enhancing the capabilities of smart contracts.


Moonbeam stands as a smart contract platform designed to empower developers in building and deploying Ethereum-compatible decentralized applications (dApps) on the Polkadot network. This platform streamlines the development experience by providing a set of Web3 tools, libraries, and APIs that are familiar to Ethereum developers. This way, it facilitates a smooth transition of projects to the Polkadot ecosystem. Key features of Moonbeam encompass:

  • Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on Polkadot
  • Familiar tools, libraries, and APIs for Ethereum developers
  • Cross-chain communication
  • Scalability and on-chain governance

Moonbeam’s overarching goal is to bridge the gap between the Ethereum and Polkadot networks.


Web3.js is proudly one of the best Web 3.0 tools. It is a widely adopted JavaScript library that empowers developers to engage with the Ethereum blockchain and construct decentralized applications (dApps). It functions as an interface to Ethereum’s JSON-RPC API, enabling developers to execute diverse actions. Key features of Web3.js include:

  • Seamless interaction with the Ethereum blockchain
  • Easy account management
  • Event subscriptions feature
  • BigNumber support
  • Integration with development tools like Truffle and Remix
  • Comprehensive documentation

Web3.js is great for querying the blockchain, sending transactions, and working with smart contracts.

How to Choose The Best Web3.0 Developer Tools for Your Startup

Choosing the right Web3 developer tools for a startup is a critical task that requires careful consideration. While navigating the plethora of options available can be challenging, our experienced team, especially during the discovery stage, is adept at streamlining this process for you. With a keen understanding of the intricacies involved, we meticulously select the most optimal stack of Web3 tools for startups tailored to specific needs.

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Why do you need a discovery phase for your web3 project?


Web3.0 startup development tools are multiple and ever-changing. Armed with the right tools and knowledge, the experienced development team can construct robust, secure, and user-friendly Web3 projects.

You can always be sure of our expertise and maximum efficiency. When developing Web3 projects, we ensure that the chosen Web3.0 development tools align seamlessly with long-term growth. Feel free to contact us and discuss the details of our future collaboration!

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IdeaSoft Software Development Company

IdeaSoft is a leading blockchain service provider offering outstanding Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 products, modernizing systems, and implementing new technologies.