5 Bright Ideas for using WhatsApp Business

Rumana Shaikh
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2017

Stay ahead of the game!

It is one of the most important announcement to not miss out on!

WhatsApp announced it’s business app and while they are experimenting with the application and the new avenues that it can bring to the world of business, we already have our brains quirking coming up with unique ways to use this new avenue.

The vast area of experience and the pool of exepertise Jetbro holds working with multiple and varied businesses has got our ideapot steaming with this amazing updates!

#Idea 1: WhatsApp for Business Communication

WhatsApp Business should officially facilitate to be one of the seamless and quick communication platforms between the various parties involved in running a business seamlessly.

Take into account one of the upcoming fields in todays digital world, e-commerce. Most of the customer service for the e-commerce today works on phone and emails. Infact this has been the case for a very long time.

Hence bringing in the market for a faster and quicker way of communication. What better than WhatsApp where conversation is just one touch and tap away.

Imagine an era of customer service on WhatsApp! You can now answer a question even before it becomes a delimma for the customer to ponder and over think.

#Idea 2: WhatsApp is where you can now send Order Updates

We all have heard complaints of constantly flooded message box which is full with SMS of all kinds of promotions. Beneath this heard of promotions are lost the few in number but high in priority messages which are the important announcements like the bank balance, the credit card bill, the status of an online order, the update on the upcoming bill date, the OTP that takes an unusually long time to arrive, the announcement to the next meet at the local club in the city and much more.

But what if you can now send these important announcements classified and sorted out with you WhatsApp Business! Sans the classic marketing campaign messages, which may or may not be much appreciated by the customers to be flooded in their WhatsApp.

At least it will make their life easy by having all messages bundled under one number for one service provider or brand.

#Idea 3: WhatsApp Community Discussion Forums

How many times have you received complains of some simple funcitoning error in a device you have sold. Or how many potential customers have you lost in the battle to win their trust when they doubted the quality of fabric before purchasing that beautiful dress online.

What if you could have this one WhatsApp group where you could route all these queries and hence inherently evolve it into a group where these discussions lead to sales and growth.

This is also a brilliant way for the companies to have live stream of feedback, problem incurred etc. which can then be converted to a log. Resolving problems on the go is the notch every business needs to become the favorite!

#Idea 4: Exclusive Launch or Sale announcements

A brand new way of running a loyalty program with the new product launch being announced to the closed group of WhatsApp groupies! Or may be giving an exclusive discount to the dedicated group of WhatsApp followers.

This is a two way street that can be walked on by both the customers and the businesses themselves.

In return for the loyalty, the customer get exclusive access to the brands. And in acceptance of the exclusivity by the customer, the brands/ businesses get a higher edge over their counterparts.

For huge multi brand companies, this could prove to be one of the most interesting and challenging competition killing agent!

#Idea 5: Get all your Contest entires in one place!

Manage your marketing and data collection in a much smarter and easier way with the new WhatsApp Business!

Remember the hassle of going through multiple entries/ profile/ emails etc. to collect the data for the best video/ photo/ write up entry. What if this was all so easy to be sent and received at one touch!

Facilitating such internal structuring and organizing of data that help speed up the operations and promotions is a leverage with this new WhatsApp feature!

Have an appetite for more such ideas?

Join us @ Jetbro for a steaming cup of idealicious coffee!



Rumana Shaikh

The only freedom is the freedom to allow yourself to be the best version of self, and hence allow change. Ponder, read, write, explore and grow.