Five free methods to engage and bring back your valuable users

Abhinashi Bhatia
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2017

Every e-commerce spends abundant time, money and resources to bring traffic to their websites! But what is it worth if the user doesn’t crawl back to your website?

Here are top 5 cost effective ways with which you can increase your user engagement:


Getting them to subscribe

We hate interruptions of any kind especially while browsing which makes it even more difficult for digital marketers to get people subscribe to newsletters or alerts. The only way you can get them to give you their email id is to give an incentive or be creative!

Give them a subscribers-only benefit.

Get first time visitors to subscribe by posting an enticing offer.

Give them a sneak peak of your content and below ask them to like or subscribe to get more related content.

Get them to enter their email ID by displaying creative incentives

Creative content in newsletter

If your content adds value to the reader, it’s more likely that they will click the subscribe button. You have to believe that your newsletter subscribers are soft leads that might become potential or regular customers/readers. With right amount of valuable content obviously!

Shareable content in newsletter

If your newsletter has shareable content you’re automatically catering to the users who didn’t subscribe to your newsletter. Creating shareable content is a great way to expand reach and gaining trust from users by social validation.

Single Call to Action

Do not add too many buttons to your newsletters. Keep it simple and show them one call to action button. If they like it they can’t help but click it!


Get them to subscribe

Push notifications are the default way to reach out to your user and remind them about your existence and if you’re not doing that, it’s high time you should! Once a user clicks Allow on the drop down opt-in form it’s your job to make the notifications worth it and not spams!

When to send the notifications?

How often?

Should/shouldn’t you send personalised notifications?

Give them an option of viewing notifications as they land on your page

Product highlights

The user is subscribed to your notifications because they want an alert about all your new collections,articles or videos! Pop them up with an alert of some new content consistently to catch their eye every time they are surfing!

Content is Everything

You need to know what type of content will generate a stimulus among your audience. You can cater to a particular type of emotion, cause or information and make your content relatable. If your user can connect to your content it automatically makes it shareable!

Social Media

Get them to follow your Social Media handles

All your users are on social media platforms & if you’re not, you should already be! There is nothing like a viral social media campaign or advertisement that grabs attention of the people. So get people to like your social media handle for regular updates of your creative content. Give them a sneak peak of the type of creative content you build and get users to follow you!

Create shareable content based on your e-commerce

Share Stories

Stories are like quickies and people are absolutely loving them. Use the feature to showcase bits of your content, making, at work atmosphere and everything you possibly could. You can share all you want but never make it TOO MUCH!

Go live!

Going Live is now the biggest fad of this generation & digital marketers can use them wisely for their own good! Engage with your audience in real time and know your using by pushing live videos or programs to interact with them!

Personalised Content

Abandoned Cart Emails

Remind them everything that they left in the cart which should have been shipped by now! If the reminder isn’t working for them, give them a reason to buy it already! Notify them about an offer or an incentive on the products they’ve left in the cart. Trust us that never gets old.

“You may also like”

You may also like emails work like a charm as people don’t need to sit and browse through a 100 million products because you have already picked out their choice for them. This makes it easy for them to pick stuff and easy for you to engage with them!

Personalise their shopping experience with “You may also like” emails

Customer stories with realistic social media post

If your user is stuck at the payment gateway and not checking out, they’re probably wondering how the product will turn out to be. Most buyers are skeptical about the colour,quality & assurance so why not make them hear from the past customers? There’s no opinion they’ll trust more than the people who’ve already shopped from that site. Get your customers to share their reviews/pictures or testimonials on your social media handles & let the new shopper be sure.

Referral Program and Discounts

Give discounts with limited time period

Give your user a deal they can’t miss, because it has an expiration date. They might just click the buy now button if the deal seems fair to them but never stop notifying them about good deals on your webpage!

Give an incentive for spreading the word

Learn it from the best, Uber referrals entitles both the parties with free rides when a new user enters a previous user’s referral code! It’s is a win win as the they gain loyalty of the existing users and also gain new users who now use their app!

Give them benefits for referring you to their friends!

Ambassador programs

Your ambassadors are all those people who endorse your product in their own unique way! They can be located all over the globe and spread a positive word of your brand. They could be bloggers,influencers, singers, actors or typically anybody! Send them free products to use and review & let them be your ambassador!

Feature ambassadors from all around the world on your page

Transform your e-commerce into a successful business by paying close attention to these tips and no costs at all!

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