Jetbro: Where the buds of Growth Sprout to Life

Rumana Shaikh
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2017

Words are like a flowing river, but the best ones that come alive are the ones that come from the softest corner of a writer’s heart. This is one such heartfelt piece of writing that resonates with Jetbro & Me!

Steve Jobs, the fancy and the idol to thriving millennials said “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become”. I have adhered to this and kept it very close to my heart! And blessed am I that Jetbro happened to me!

For the Jetbro way is where we get to “Choose the Team and the Job!”

The Jetbro Family- A journey that has come along with many years of love and care adorning the foundations of the excellence and creativity of every member of this family!

What is Jetbro?

The one-stop Ideastation for ideating, formulating, designing, developing, marketing and amplifying your business in a potentially thriving and competitive market.

With the right intent of hard work, a commendable and undying passion, an upbeat attitude to learn, share & grow and one of a kind work atmosphere- Jetbro has paved a way to synchronising with the ideals of business that the co-founders recommend!

Jetbro is an Ahmedabad based creative digital agency working in mobile and website development, designing, branding and consulting.

The foundation to this innovative, knowledge striving creative IdeaStation was laid in 2011. With a team of four, the Den of creative developers started off with the knack to market the chords of the world creating a sweet melody in the burgeoning era of Digitalisation.

Today The Jetbro Family is a host to 25 creative and knowledge-hungry brains!

I must say that as a writer, I have complete sync with the essence of the Journey, for it takes a lot of patience, skills, vision and values that keep the steadfastness of growth in a world where Moon and Mars are now the neighbours seen and felt!

The Jetbro Family- Inspirations and Recommendations!

Jetbro Bond

Where the Team is the Bond of Love and not a Paper!

This is the first thing that will flutter your heart- that everyone is everywhere, yet there is none who is all over the place.

An environment sans hierarchy is what makes Jetbro unique. Where the people work for the love of working and live for the love of living!
Jetbro creates an environment that enhances the views aligning with the requirements of the clients. The Jetbro Family has consistently delivered a niche creating the best results of working in a field that is creative and interactive, with User Experience Design principles.

We grow and that’s how Jetbro grows!

Growth is a very vast term, especially in a world as competitive and thriving as today. With the millennials being raised with immense self-respect and self-worth, the one quality that marks Growth as a definition is increasing your knowledge whilst sharing it, hence striving for achieving the freedom to explore and simultaneously enhancing the customer experience.

Jetbro burgeons an environment where knowledge is shared on a daily basis by peers and ideas brew every day from the nascent buds of an intellectual brain have brought out some of the best results that the Team can!

An Open Mind- The Source of Young Energy

Jetbro gives a beautiful conundrum of open-mindedness giving forth the creativity of young minds.

Be it design, or the colour, or how you can scroll through an application, or how would you like the website to look, or what words will touch the reader’s heart, every little nuance of the work comes from inspiration.

A team filled with creative architects of the world of the web, amazing designers, writers, ideators, thinkers, creators, marketers, givers and takers, The Jetbro Family is a beautiful quandary of Business with Value- for one and all.

The Freedom to like the way you work

The start-up culture has recognized that a lot of brain drain occurs in the confinements of the conventional way of working that is being followed for decades.

However, with the world going global and the visions expanding its horizons, Jetbro has imbibed the immense understanding to value the freedom of an individual to like the work they do, how they enjoy doing it.

Work as a Team- Work with your Passion

An environment that nourishes intellect is privileged by the path of following the Passion.

But what burgeons when you combine Passion with excellent Team building and Team strength is commendable Team Work.

Jetbro understands the aesthetics of a human brain and heart and they always work in making an atmosphere that builds the passion of The Jetbro Family and facilitates the smooth flowing stream of good work in a healthy team.

Remember and be Remembered!

Remembrance, it is said is one of the strongest emotions of a human being! Indeed it takes a lot of work to get into the heart of this little box of nostalgia!

Jetbro has cultivated an environment where the little things of everyday life at work are crafted with care and beautiful moments are shared together.

Once you work at Jetbro, you will not only Remember Jetbro, but you will always be Remembered at Jetbro with cherished nostalgia!

And if you think we fail to compete? We compete to bring out the best in each other!

The Jetbro Family of light cheerful and splendid colours of life!

One of the most inspiring quotes that aptly fits the Jetbro Way of Work-Life Balance:

“Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it”- Marc Jacobs.



Rumana Shaikh

The only freedom is the freedom to allow yourself to be the best version of self, and hence allow change. Ponder, read, write, explore and grow.