What is it like to work at Jetbro?

Abhinashi Bhatia
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2017

With a creative digital agency, one has several presumptions. And they are bound to be. A team of highly opinionated set of creative thinkers. Must be a handful, eh? But with Jetbro, although we have our own set of loud laughs and occasional melodrama, what we proudly never had are ego clashes.

This is mostly because Jetbro, doesn’t address the team as “Employees” but as “individuals”. You won’t find any of us introducing each other as a “colleague”, that’s how tightly knit our creative juices, has got us. We have our weekly Dartboard leagues and cake smashing birthday celebrations along with those crunching Friday night deadlines that keeps us on the edge of creative freedom. While all these factors differentiate Jetbro from other tech/web design companies, the best differentiating factor that keeps Jetbro way above the rest is the ability to resist the corporate culture and management level hierarchies. Each one of us are the kings and queens of our own projects and seek shameless privileges in boasting about them during team discussions.

We don’t exactly fit the bill, of how usual IT firms function, with those corporate work environments where everyone dresses the same and just assumes that, that’s how work is supposed to be. In fact some of our team’s sense of work fashion could scare you. At Jetbro, the company doesn’t snoop in our computers nor do we have “special hours” where we’re allowed to have lunch or make a phone call. They don’t jail us, until of course one of us comes up with a shady pastime game. Wait. Did we just say that, out Loud?

Originally published at technomugs.tumblr.com.

