Abhinashi Bhatia
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2017


Why Big Companies should invest in their Employees?

Big Companies are based on strong foundations and the entrepreneurs usually follow a dictom of set rules and authoritative positions to command over. Since the hierarchy of assigned tasks, responsibilities have been going on for years in cases of Big Companies, they hardly leave a window for change or innovation.

What is lost meanwhile are a resourceful set of employees, who could have even multi-tasked as visionaries and ideators for the company. Many of the reasons why these visionary employees leave good companies is that they don’t feel “heard” or feel they are being “under-utilized”. One of the driving reasons is also because they want their project vision to grow beyond the company background and they are blinded by this vision, to sail across a venture that is their own. What visionaries and companies here fail to realize is that they could together mark on a collaboration, where the visionary can command his own venture with the professional backing of his company, where the vision or thought was born.

What companies here should do, is hear them out, test their ideas for production practicality and if all goes well, potentially have a new innovation of their own. All this, coming from their own employee and all they had to do, was give wings to his/her imagination.

So, who exactly are these “visionary employees”? They are the ones who set the company’s vision as their own. They want to help make the company better, in every which possible way that they can. Among these are certain visionaries, who strike a balance between the “routine” in the company and still prod on issues addressed by the company probably during a coffee break or in the lunch hour to come up with an “out-of-the-box” solution.

So then, what goes wrong? Well the hierarchy, Sir!

That’s right, most of these employees are either left unheard and for those blessed with managers, who do actually listen to them, their ideas and concept hardly sees the daylight. They’re heard, appreciated, but the buck just stops there. What this does, is now the employee wouldn’t bother, presenting his other ideas or creations he would have otherwise wished to share and get feedback on, for the fear of those projects or ideas ending up having the same fate as the previous ones.

What needs to be done here, is employers and corporates need to install a systematic working system, where the thoughts and ideas of these employees are tested, evaluated and incorporate a working pattern where these employees feel encouraged to present their own work to the team and push it further into the workings of the company, which proves beneficial to the company in the longer run too.

AdSense, Gmail, GTalk, Google Sky and Google News are successful outcomes of such a system employed by Google and these projects are huge examples of what inputs from your employees can do to your company if you encourage, ideas and innovation starting from your interns, trainees and employees. Why act shy, while you harness such huge sum to hire the best employees for your team. Utilize them and in turn help them grow. Apple too later on followed in the footsteps of Google, seeing the kind of success they were enjoying, through trusting their employees to come up with their own innovations and ideas.

This is where Jetbro comes in, we harness the smallest of ideas and address the most critically grave problem with a technological solution, with our team of bubbling ideators and innovators. Till then, all you need to do is, to be on a look out for innovators, lend them a compassionate managerial ear and invest in their ideas.

Originally published at technomugs.tumblr.com.

