Design Research — Week 4

Yvette Huang
Ideation & Prototyping
3 min readDec 7, 2021

Topic: LGBTQ + Healthcare

In this section, we are going to work on the research with NYU Langone Health. This research is about improving patient experience for transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer.

Week1 Research

Week2 Research& Ideation

Wee3 Prototype

This week we keep developing our prototype and making it interactable. Besides digital touchpoints, we also design physical box prototypes for people who are not comfortable with digital devices. Furthermore, we were trying to make a walkthrough of user testing for Kevin, the assistant director of LGBTQ+ clinical services at NYU Langone.

The Demonstration Video made by Vasu

The Physical Box Prototype designed by Ker

Presentation Slides

Mingjing and I were responsible for presentation slides this week. We divided the work into 2:

  1. Research review+Insigns+Problem Statement+Usertesting +Future
  2. User Research+Ideation+Prototype.

I was trying to reorganize the researches, result of surveys and interviews to make the audience can get the point much efficiently.

While I was doing the presentation slides, I thought of the lecture on storytelling last week which reminded me of the tips to improve our presentation. How to organize the diverse researches and results? What kind of information should I keep or eliminate from the slides. I don’t want to just list the researches we’ve done in row and show the process without concerning about the story and relationship with the following steps.

In the previous presentation, it was more like a collage of the process not the well-organized story. Thus, to tell a good story and make the audience get the point instead , I want to make it simple by limiting the volume of text and visualizing the information.

Less is more.

