Final Progress and Reflections

Yixun Li
Ideation & Prototyping
3 min readDec 17, 2021


The last week. We did very well on the the final presentation, except I forget a little of the detail to present. But we all did a great job on prepare the presentation and finally present during the class. We were building and altering the final slide on google slide. We used slack to contact with each other.

The last week. We did very well on the the final presentation, except I forget a little of the detail to present. But we all did a great job on prepare the presentation and finally present during the class. We were building and altering the final slide on google slide. We used slack to contact with each other.

For the present, I also made a script in case I forget anything. They all went well, and we also had our last rehearsal right before the class on Tuesday at 6:00 PM. My part is the reflection and next iteration. I was talking about how our solution worked and what we learned from this project, including the progress, interviews, redesign the pages, and how UX and service design work. Our badge system is our strange point that stands out very well. We think our next step will be working on developing more on the badge system. For instance what else could the badge system include, visual development, and maybe some physical pieces and deliverables.


We learned a lot from this project, not only how to make UX and service design, but also how are we going to make UX and service design for the topic and target users we are not familiar with. We also learned the LGBTQ community and especially the transgender people and the difficulties they are facing in their lives. Mental care and trust are important part for them, so that we designed our system based on these factors.

My group helped me a lot for this project. I also learned how to collaborate with others and working as a team. More people have more thought for the project, so that we could think deeper and more inclusive. I really enjoyed working with our great team and also this class.

