Group project: ideate

Eva(Yutzu) Chen
Ideation & Prototyping
3 min readDec 1, 2021

Individual blog for group project in Ideation & Prototyping class

This week, our group got feedbacks from our classmates and Prof. Kathleen. To recall, we have defined our problems last week into two HMWs:

  1. How might we mitigate concern on finding resources for transgender and non-binary people to make them feel more accepted?
  2. How might we make information more accessible to all age ranges, patients, healthcare providers, people with disabilities?

However, We were informed that we needed to narrow down more on our target audience as there were two different target users(one is NYU Longone promotion team and the other is trans & non-binary people) in each HMW. Besides, we need to think more about touch points that users interact in the next phase.

We also have the privilege to talk with Kevin, who is an assistant director for LGBTQ+ Clinical Services at NYU Langone Health. He talked about what he did these years to care for marginalized. He worked on the patient navigation, patient experience, complaints and education on staff. He also talked about one issues that some trans & non-binary people are reluctant to disclose personal information in an in-person situation because if the untrained staff may have bias and discrimination and do not know how to handle the situation. Therefore, our group start to think about how to make this minority reach to services in NYU Longone easily without bias and stigma and find a sense of belongs in the community to communicate with others who have similar experiences.

We come up with idea of chatbot in the NYU Longone page, which will answer with primary questions and provide related resources and community information for them.

Everyone creates a persona first of different persons with different background and different needs. I created a persona — Terra: a 24-year-old NYU international CS student, who has depression for 2 years and want to receive hormone replacement therapy(HRT) at NYU Longone.

Next, I listed some conversations that may occurred between Terra and chatbot in terms of this service, which comprises HRT basic information, how service is provided in NYU Longone, related academic reports and research, community connection and quick schedule for 1V1 confidential consulting.

Then I ideated on chatbot on where it would appear, how it would interact with the patient and what information it provides.

What I have learned:

  1. define the problem clearly and make everyone on the same page to avoid misunderstandings in the later discussion
  2. There can be more than one persona. We can arrange personas into primary and secondary category to cover our users for different product stage

