Research for Design -week 0

Erika Noma
Ideation & Prototyping
2 min readNov 9, 2021

This week in Ideation & Prototyping class, we kicked off module 3, a final module for this semester, called Research for Design. We are going to apply what we’ve learned in the first two modules and solve a design challenge sponsored by NYU Langone Health. I have been very excited about this project since I will be able to work in a group and work on a design task requested by a client, just like in a real-world setting.

To kick-start this project, we were divided into groups and did a Team Charter exercise, to learn more about each other. I did not know about each member super well so the exercise was very helpful in getting to know not only their personalities but also their interest, what they want to learn through this project and discuss how we could be a great team.

So far in this class, I have learned not only theories and methods of ideation and prototyping but also to not be afraid to try new things. It always seemed intimidating before I tried new things but whenever I start working on it, I learned something new: new ways to create, or new ways to ideate, or new tools that I was too intimidated to try. So for this project, I’m excited to work in a group to learn from team members and classmates, try new things, and bring out the best in each other to present the final outcome.

