Research for Design Week 0

Ruiyang Dai
Ideation & Prototyping
2 min readNov 9, 2021

In last week class, I met with my team members. We introduced ourselves and discuss the cooperation of our group.

Our team members are Eva, Shaun, Maria, Viktoriia and me.

At the beginning, we introduced our own background and skills. We looked at each other’s profiles on Mural. Our group members have different experiences and educational backgrounds, and I am very happy to work with them because everyone looked so nice. We can learn from and help each other in the process of teamwork.

Then we started to discuss our usual roles in the group, habits and ways of cooperation. We thought that the roles in our group could be changable, so we didn’t confirm the final roles of each person.

Our project will have momentum because we want to make it as good as possible. We can set more small deadlines to promote our group work.

We also shared some of our expectations and decided it was important not to disappear, to give feedback, to help each other, and to actively participate in the discussion.

We set up a slack channel to have discussions and share resources. We’ll continue to talk about using tools like Trello and Mural in our work.

We may adopt hybrid meeting mode. Because some people cannot come to campus often, so some of us will meet in person and then we’ll have group meetings through ZOOM.

I am looking forward to our teamwork, which I believe will be a great experience!

