Research for Design Week 1

Ruiyang Dai
Ideation & Prototyping
4 min readNov 16, 2021

This week our group’s Assignment is to find some materials to study the topic of gender minority and share our ideas during meeting.

Our team members reviewed some papers attached to the brief, some heath experience questionnaires on gender minority, and some other academic papers.

Maria looked up data on transgender people’s negative medical experience and the causes of the problem.

Viktoriia researched on the gender affirmation. She found out lack of providers with expertise in transgender medicine represents the single largest component inhibiting access.

Yutzu looked at a number of questionnaires that interviewed gender minorities.

Shaun looked at data on the number of LGBTQ+ people in the United States.

I looked up some resources this week that we can reach out to.

On campus there is NYU LGBTQ+ .

Off campus I found a clinic called Callen-Lorde Community Health Center who provides sensitive, quality health care and related services targeted to New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. I checked out their website to see what progress they had made in terms of inclusive medical care for the gender minority.

They use pronoun stickers to highlight the patient’s pronouns and create a respectful environment for them.

They also developed a website called TransAtlas, which is a map-based guide to community organizations, agencies and spaces across the 5 boroughs of New York City, made by and for people of transgender, non-binary and/or intersex experience.

In addition to finding resources, I also searched for several academic papers on google scholar, they are:

Healthcare Experiences Among Young Adults Who Identify as Genderqueer or Nonbinary

Correlations between healthcare provider interactions and mental health among transgender and nonbinary adults

Combining the information I found above, I came up with the following idea.

1. I want to know is there a complete health document system for gender minority too. It’s like we use MyChart website and all our medical records are in it, we go to different hospital and they can directly have access to our document so we don’t need to repeat that to different doctors. I assume that the LGBTQ+ prefer to seek LGBTQ+ friendly providers, if they change their clinic, do they need to introduce their situation again and again? Because sitgma and discrimination probably could happen if they didn’t recieve the correct care. If there is not, maybe we can think about creating a documents system connecting most LGBTQ+ providers together.

2. Focus on the health care for non-binary people because non-binary is more complicated and there is less knowledge about it. Some providers are unable to see beyond the transgender binary.

The is the summary of our group’s research.

We needed to narrow down our topic, so we needed more information from users or providers. We discussed and decided to email NYU LGBTQ+ asking if they could do an interview with us or fill out the questionnaire for the survey.

The following is part of our questionnaire. We have three section in total to talk about basic information, insurance and experience in a clinic.

We’ll be refining the form this week and sending it to NYU LGBTQ+ (if they’re willing to be interviewed by us), as well as to some of the people around us to get some information.

We also created a mural board to summarize our idea for this week:

Trello’s update:

