Research for Design Week 3

Ruiyang Dai
Ideation & Prototyping
3 min readDec 1, 2021

This week we’ve been re-planning our program based on some of the feedback we got on Tuesday and some new information.

On Wednesday we had an online meeting with Kevin from NYU Langone who helps provide caring for the LGBTQ+ community, along with members of Group 4 and others who are also working on related project. During the meeting, I learned that one of the drawbacks of this service is that access is hard to find and many people are unaware of the service and Kevin’s existence. And Kevin felt that their website also needs improvement.

Then we had a discussion and we thought we could make something like a resource platform to make it easier for gender minority people to find information. We finally decided to change our proposal to an online chat box that provides a guide service for gender minority people, which would make it easier for them to get the information they need. Langone has done a lot of work for LGBTQ+ care and now there is a greater need for more accesses to let people know that this is an LGBTQ+ friendly health center.

Shaun’s previous Time Capsule project used a similar chat box, so we decided to use this site as our chat box interface.

Our group made several persona to describe our possible users.

We also made some keywords trees for the questions of these people.

We decided to use JP as our main persona. several others as complementary. So our design on the chat box will mainly focus on physical health care for the Trans group.

We will continue to design the chat box to look like or access point on the website. Then we need to consider more keywords and replies for the chat box content on health care.

