Research for Design Week 4

Ruiyang Dai
Ideation & Prototyping
3 min readDec 7, 2021

We moved forward with the prototyping of our chat bot this week.

Regarding the target audience of chat bot, we finally limited it to transgender people because we felt that if we chose to focus on a larger group like LGBTQ+, it means we would need to consider more aspects and do more research, which would be more workload, and we were worried we wouldn’t be able to do it well due to time constraints, so we only start with transgender group, which will also help us to consider more detailed features. Of course this chat bot can be applied to all groups of people, and it can be a direction of future improvement.

My team members did some sketches of our chat bot interface.

Eva made a user flow.

I made a high-fidelity user interface based on this user flow with Figma.

Then we started to build the keyword tree of the chat bot. At first, we were thinking that the bot could have short conversations with users, like a question-and-answer format. But we found that if we let the users type in their own words, the possibilities were endless. We didn’t know enough about this field in particular. So we finally decided to set a few buttons to let the users click. If users has other questions, we will give them the contact information of the provider directly.

There are issues that have not yet been resolved. We have a feature where chat bot will send more information to users if they are willing to leave their emails. But as soon as the users enter their email domain directly, chatbot will not recognize it. The reason is that if the email is sent to the chat bot, it will become a link instead of words, and chat bot cannot recognize link directly. If we want chat bot to recognize it, we need to enter all the emails into the chat bot system and teach it to recognize, but that is impossible for us to do. We are using the keyword email in our demo, and it is only used as an example here.

In addition to the prototyping, our group also prepared our presentation slides.

Maria and Viktoriia will talk about the introduction and design process.

Eva and Shaun will speak on the part of solution.

And I will do the Conclusion part.

Keep working on it……

