Time Capsule(3)

Yvette Huang
Ideation & Prototyping
3 min readOct 30, 2021

This week we were going to tell a story by a photo essay, stop-motion animation, or storyboard about what happened after 125 years when people find the time capsule we made.


Storyboard Sketch

The story

In 2146, people mostly live in the virtual world with a connecting device. People don’t have to spend time eating or drinking, the pipe from the device can supply all nutrition needed for people. Also, they don’t have to be tolerant of the tiredness and sleepiness of the physical body.

However, all people actually live in a little chamber in the real world.

One day, an earthquake happens, breaks the building human lived and also breaks part of the system of the devices. Thus, some people are forced to back to reality.

When they get out, they see a dim light of reflection from an object under the solid. They find the time capsule of Yvette.

While they are waiting for the system to be repaired, they start to figure out what it is.

“Maybe it’s a ball?” said a person.

“Or a weapon”

“A device for fortune-telling maybe?”

Suddenly, a man shouts out “ That is a pair of chopsticks which ancient people use them to eat, I saw it before in an old movie”

On hearing that people feel enlightened, but after that, they notice that they realize hungry now for the first time.

“But why the chopsticks are put on the device, or is it just a container?”

Subsequently, the light of sunrise hit the device, they find the shadow on it which points to a number.

“It’s a clock!” they realize that is a sundial.

This finding of time capsule inspires people to think about the lifestyle in the old time. People seldom spend time on things they consider a waste such as eating, drinking, or sleeping. They even don’t spend time with others because it is just in seconds that people can send messages to each other without meeting in person.

Finally, Some of them decide to slow down and have time with friends and family eating meals. Now, they love their lives and have stronger connections with people they love.


This is my first time telling a story by animation. I watched the tutorials and made the little animation through Photoshop. I enjoyed the process of doing the animation though exhausted.

In this project, I learned how to tell stories. I tried to make the 3 parts of the project can be around the important value, seizing and treasuring the time with significant ones.

The object, chopsticks remind me of my family. So I designed the time capsule in a shape of a sundial to remind me the time is limited. Finally, I made the video to tell a story about how people’s lifestyle is changed by technology and what is the message of the time capsule trying to convey.

