Time Capsule III: AR musical tombstone

Eva(Yutzu) Chen
Ideation & Prototyping
4 min readOct 30, 2021

A final display for Time capsule assignment in Ideation & Prototyping class


Hey guys, this is Eva here! This is a story through an AR(Augmented Reality) musical tombstone about cross-generation and cross-century communication between me and my great great grandchild that happens in Feb 9th, 2197.


I want to set the scene in 2197(176 years later) when my great great grandchild visited me and I would try to share with him/her my life story and tell him/her that I love them so much and my best wishes to them.

Family Bond — <My love> by Westlife

Do you see those five guys talking at the top? They are my parents and sisters. I was born in 1997 in this warm and happy family. Although our family was not very wealthy, my parents, your great-great-great-grandparents, did everything they could to raise their three children in a carefree, trouble-free environment. Despite their busy schedules, they always made careful arrangements for annual family trips. On the trips, we always liked to sing the song “my love” together. I really miss those times. They are the best family ever.

So, Just enjoy your childhood and be grateful to everything, my kid!

Friend Bond — <Stay with me> by Sam Smith

Then I slowly grew up and I left home to go to high school and my college. Do you see that spinning object? Those time was like this rotating cue. There were a lot of confusing, I didn’t know who I was, why I needed to go to school or how could I make people like me, but luckily, I had a lot of friends. As you can see in the scene that they are jumping out of the cube, they are my best friends who offered me the purest friendships and support.

So, have fun, kid, and sometimes just let it go if you can’t figure things out, your friends will help you find the answers.

Self Bond — <Welcome to New York> by Taylor Swift

Later on, when I graduated from college, I made what I thought was the hardest decision I’d ever made, which was to leave my familiar hometown and go abroad for graduate school. You can see the roads and Empire State Building. You may wonder why there was no one on the street, because it was the year of 2020, which you may not know how hard it was. In this year, there was a global virus outbreak and tens of thousands of people lost their lives because of it, and even the most usual going out became a luxury, and everyone wore masks and stayed at home as much as possible. Then when the epidemic got a little bit better, I went to New York with a lot of anticipation and fear. I have to say It was one of the best decisions I feel I’ve made so far, because of this I saw a bigger world, met more people, and learned more about different cultures.

Kid, it’s always uncomfortable to step out of your comfort zone, but don’t be afraid, there’s something better waiting for you up ahead!

Check previous process in the link below:

Proposal https://medium.com/ideation-prototyping/time-capsule-i-476fe191394f

Prototype https://medium.com/ideation-prototyping/time-capsule-ii-ar-musical-tombstone-bd3908c60291

What I have learned…

This time capsule took me two weeks from ideation, prototyping and displaying. I love the process of solving problems one by one and learned how to prioritize them in terms of importance and urgency. I feel like my minds always jumping back and forth in the whole process, trying to find the best way for my story.

No need to say there are still things that could be improved in my project, like the communication media in 2197 would not be phone anymore and I need to think more carefully about how they would review my story. I also need to try more modeling methods when prototyping in order to make the 3D printing efficient and time-saving.

