Time Capsule — Part 3

Viktoriia Zykina
Ideation & Prototyping
2 min readOct 30, 2021

Imagine your time capsule was discovered 125 years later…

In the part 3 of the project I tried to imagine what would happen when somebody finds my time capsule 125 years later. How will the people or creatures who find it understand what the objects are and what you use them for? Since my box is a cake-shaped box with 3 tiers and with my favorite baking supplies, what if in the future nobody bakes anymore and the cookies are made without baking and no more manual labor at all?

I started ideating and storyboarding in which I decided to record myself unpacking the boxes, showing what is inside and explaining. Here is my rough storyboard:

To record this video I needed a tripod set up directly behind me, a table, good lighting and make sure there were no outside noises.

I set everything up and started the recording process.

After recording I realized that it may have been better to write a script, however, due to some time limitations, I had to work quickly and if anything I could always cut some thing out and do a voiceover.

Later, I started the editing process. I used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit. I have had some experience with editing videos in the past, however, there is always something new to learn.

During editing I was iterating and refining. I wanted to make sure my story would be understandable for people in the future.

This is the final result, let’s imagine you found the IPad(which of course would solar powered and charged all this time) and the time capsule box next to it:


First of all, it is important to have an idea in mind. It was really difficult and challenging for me to imagine what would people be like in the future, what would they know and not know, how would they discover the package, what would they think, what would they be curious about.

I tried to answer these questions first and then started executing my video. It is always important to have the users in mind when thinking about design.

