Built to Scale: Operations & Product

Bahaa Abou Zeid
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2018
IdeatoApp - Built to Scale: Operations & Product — Credit

Last week I introduced a few steps, a sanity check, that I use to help me better evaluate whether an idea is scalable or not. In today’s post, I will explore the importance of building operations and products (apps / websites / digital technologies in general) with scale in mind.

Simply put, an online business that cannot scale its operations and product as it grows will eventually fail.


Carriage isn’t just a food ordering app that connects users to restaurants.

They have a complex operational side to them that mainly includes managing a fleet of delivery cars and drivers, and a 24/7 customer service team.

As for their product, it isn’t a simple one either given the way orders are handled between users, restaurants, and drivers; and let’s not forget their infamous feature of tracking deliveries.

With their complex operations and product, the difference between fulfilling 10 orders a day and a 1,000 is huge for Carriage. If they hadn’t built their operations and product to scale, they wouldn’t have been able to keep up when more users and orders came in.


Dropbox is a US based digital storage service company that had to scale their operations and product in a short period of time as users from around the world quickly flocked in.

For them, this meant bigger, more dispersed data centers to serve their local and international users, and a better product to handle data access and storage requirements.

Again, Dropbox wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the increasing number of users and technical complexities that come with it if they hadn’t planned and executed their scaling well.

Think About Your Idea

  1. How complex will your operations get as you grow?
  2. How will the technical requirements of your product change with more users? It is important to note here that there are subscription-based cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allow you to add more computing power, storage, and functionality to your product with a few clicks. This is a game changer and has made scaling a product easier than ever.
  3. How much money will you roughly need to scale? Where are you going to get this money from?
  4. When is the right time to start scaling? 500 users? 1000? 10,000?

Final Thoughts

While it’s very important to take scalability into consideration from the very start, I am not suggesting you prioritize it; there are more important things to focus on when starting. Things like validating the need for a solution, building an MVP, marketing the solution, and putting it into the hands of potential customers, should always be a priority.

What I am suggesting is you be aware of the reality of scaling operations and products, realize that it might be a challenge depending on your solution, and then take the right measures like planning and putting money aside for it.

There are many brilliant people who have great ideas but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. If we can get them to act on their ideas and start producing in areas they are passionate about, we are bound to have a more productive region and a brighter future for us and our children.

At IdeatoApp, this is exactly what we’re focused on. Our mission is to make it easier and more affordable to start an online business so that entrepreneurs can focus more on producing, bringing their ideas to market, and ultimately shaping a brighter future for us and our children.

Do you have a good idea for an online business but been feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Visit our website or Instagram page to claim your free consultation and design sample.

