10 facts that will help you use color correctly on your website

Find out how color helps promoting your website

Andrés Max
5 min readJun 20, 2016


Neil Patel maintains that “color is 85% of the reason you purchased a specific product”. To see the impact color has on the user experience, simply choose any color at random, disregarding key elements like your audience and what you want to convey with your brand.

In this article, you will learn about the influence that color has not only on our behavior and our emotions, but also on the way we buy, and, in the case of a website, on the user experience.

With these 10 facts you will learn how to use color correctly when you design your website.


Color psychology is the science that studies how color affects human behavior. Indeed, it influences over our attitudes, emotions and the way we buy.

The color you use to communicate a message, a value, or a brand can either support that idea or distract from it. However, in the context of web pages, color plays an important role on the site because visual flow directly affects user experience. You might be wondering how it could be. Let me tell you, my little padawan, color directs the user attention to certain elements, and gives the mood and feel to the site, so the correct and appropriate use of color will determine many conversions.

The details

As I said earlier, color influences our decision making when we buy. It is very important that your brand conveys what you really want when it comes to combining colors for your online presence. Your goal with your brand colors is to evoke the right emotions in viewers to increase trust and interest.

Before I show you 10 facts to use the colors on your web site, I would like to share these 4 core principles that every designer should follow when designing a website:

  1. Use it in the right way.
  2. Use it at the right time.
  3. Use it with the right audience.
  4. Use it for the right purpose.

Got it?…Let’s dig deeper.

1. If you are designing for women, don’t use grey, orange or brown. Most people think that girls like pink but that’s not true, they prefer blue, purple and green.

2.If you are marketing to men, stay away from purple, orange and brown. Your website will rock if you use blue, green or black.

3. Blue is a very good option if you want to cultivate users’ trust. It didn’t happen by chance that Facebook and PayPal use it. Consider this: if they used red or orange, would they have the same conversion? Probably not!

4. Green should be your color choice if the focus of your website is nature, environment, organic or outdoor products.

Nevertheless, green is a good call to action, especially when used in combination with the “isolation effect,” also known as the Von Restorff Effect.

5. Let’s suppose that I own a jewelry e-commerce, which would be the best color for my site?

Correct! Black will be the best choice.

Black adds a sense of luxury and value. We recommend to use color scheme with #111111 not pure black. Smash Magazinedescribes black in their article as “power, elegance, formality” which helps further explain the use of black in high-value products. That is exactly what a luxurious high-end e-commerce site want you to feel.

6. In contrast, if you have a limited time offer, orange is perfect for that. This color suggests urgency, which makes the message more noticeable and actionable. What’s more, it is interpreted as “low-cost”, so if you are offering an inexpensive product, and you want to be perceived as such, orange is a good choice.

7. Let’s do another exercise. Which of these calls to action do you usually click on?

I don’t think you have clicked on the black call to action.

Brighten colors have a higher conversion rate than darker colors. Color Matter says “the “anti-aesthetic” colors may well capture more attention than those on the aesthetically-correct list”, so if your goal is to capture attention for conversion you should use a bright color.

8. Don’t use red and green together. Keep in mind that for users with deuteranopia(a form of color blindness) it’s difficult to distinguish between them. They need at least one other color separating them.

9.Your website can’t be based on Andy Warhol’s style. Only use neons in artistic illustrations as they are unsettling when used on user interface elements or text.

10. The use of header images is increasing, so don’t use light colors for your text on a white background. Try adding a darkening layer to your images if your header is white.


Internet is a colorful place and the right way of using color will help you to achieve your goals.

Before you start designing, remember to know your audience and to have a clear message. Thus, use colors at the right moment and in the right way.

Now take a look into your idea of designing your website, choose the right colors and get bazillions of conversions!

Good luck:)

Originally published at ideaware.co on June 20, 2016.



Andrés Max

5x startup founder with 14+ years in software engineering, product design, and team building. Running @ideawareco