COREA Hackathon



IDENA is launching COREA Hackathon which aims to encourage developers to create new decentralized applications or to migrate existing applications to IDENA blockchain.

Idena’s unique identity protocol combined with existing crypto-primitives opens up possibilities for a new kind of human-centric decentralized applications.

One of the benefits of building on IDENA blockchain is that even non-crypto users can interact with your dApp as they could easily earn some iDNA coins to pay for gas.

Idena smart contracts provide near-native performance, strong security and flexibility of languages which can be compiled to WASM.

From DeFi, Web3, Gaming, Digital Art/Collectibles, decentralized social media to infrastructure apps and tools, choose whatever you like and join COREA Hackathon to enrich the IDENA ecosystem.

Prize Bounty

250,000 iDNA in total:

  • First place gets 100,000 iDNA
  • Second place gets 60,000 iDNA
  • Third place gets 30,000 iDNA
  • Fourth place gets 30,000 iDNA
  • Fifth place gets 30,000 iDNA

Hackers receive prizes only if they meet the submission requirements.

Challenge Description

  • In this challenge, we would like to encourage developers to create useful and interesting decentralized applications for IDENA ecosystem

Submission Requirements

  • All code must be open source
  • Submissions must use IDENA custom smart contracts
  • Include a link to your application
  • Include a URL to your open source project code repository
  • Include a text description that should explain the features and functionality of your application
  • Include a demonstration video of your application. It must be no longer than 3 mins and be uploaded to and made publicly visible on YouTube or Vimeo

Submission Deadline

  • March, 31 2023

Judging Criteria

  • How likely is the application to be used by Idena users
  • Novelty of the use case
  • Design of the application
  • The potential positive impact for the Idena ecosystem


  • Idena core team
  • Idena network participants (Oracle votings)

The decision on awarding of the prizes will be made on the basis of voting by Idena network participants and expert opinion (the Idena team and community developers).

How to enter

  1. Register for the Hackathon by filling in the registration form
  2. Build your application in accordance with submission requirements
  3. Prepare your submission including text description, a demonstration video and the required links
  4. Fill in the submission form before the submission deadline


What is Idena?

Idena is the first blockchain that utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called Proof-Of-Person, which prioritizes people over tokens. Unlike other systems that rely on money-based governance, Idena operates on the principle of “one person, one vote,” ensuring that power is distributed equally among all participants. This prevents a small group from gaining too much control.

Idena offers a puppet-resistant crypto-identity primitive, which is used for democratic voting, Quadratic Funding, fair airdrops and decentralized governance.

Idena is accessible to anyone. It does not require any personal information and allows participants to join the network without any investments. Users play an active role in mutual verification by challenging each other with AI-resistant FLIP-tests. This process is done in a synchronous ceremony, which ensures that individuals cannot spoof multiple accounts.

The network is protected from Sybil attacks through regular validations and Quadratic Staking. Quadratic Staking is a mechanism that prevents large stake holders from dominating the network and encourages small individuals to secure their identities with stakes ensuring democratic staking rewards distribution.

Join IDENA, the decentralized society with programmable coordination



Editor for

Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: