Cryptoidentity as an alternative to Digital Identity: Stop sharing your personal data

Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019

We are so much used to sharing our personal data online that hardly ever think of whether it’s truly necessary. In fact, in most cases all that platforms/services want is bot protection — knowing that there is a real person behind an account and that this person does not have multiple accounts with them. To secure this, no personal data sharing is necessary.

Cryptoidentity is a concept similar to the idea of an Avatar (the one from James Cameron’s movie) in the digital world:

  • It is unique worldwide: you can have only one at a time
  • You cannot buy it, but you can grow it
  • It has age and reputation, its value grows with age
  • It dies if you abandon it
  • You are motivated to keep it by receiving rewards
  • You are free to destroy it and make a new one
  • No one can take it from you if your private key is safely stored
  • There is no central authority that authorises you to have digital personhood

Cryptoidentity has a unique fingerprint but does not refer to its owner: it’s pseudonymous

We define cryptoidentity as a manifestation of a conscious human that can be proven online without central authorities and revealing human’s identity. In contrast with digital identity, cryptoidentity does not need personal data or verifiers to confirm you as a real person. It requires instead a two-part proof: of humanness and uniqueness.

By contrast, digital identity is represented by personally identifiable information.

Consider 12 key differences between these two concepts.

Try out validating and growing your own digital personhood based on the Proof-оf-Person blockchain: It is very easy to download the node and the client to your laptop or computer (no special requirements) at and to get validated. Once your cryptoidentity is confirmed, you will be able to receive mining rewards.



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Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: