How to get Idena invitation easy and fast

Follow the advice in this publication to receive your Idena invitation easy, fast, and with confidence!



To minimize the probability of a Sybil attack, the pace of the Idena network growth is restricted: network participation is invitation-based. New invitations can be sent out only by validated users. The number of invitations is limited and increases as the network grows.

You can get an invite from the community:

Follow these steps to secure your invitation efficiently.

Start early

The inviter gets rewarded for the invitee who validated successfully. But the value of the invitation reward decreases along the epoch. Validated identities are interested to issue invitations early. Although, if they issue the invitation too early, they risk that the candidate will forget about the validation. That is why many identities prefer to handle their invitations closer to the validation ceremony. Ensure your inviter that you will attend the validation and succeed. Read on to know how to do that.

Prove your commitment

Prove that you are committed to attend the validation and prepared to pass it:

  • Add an event to your calendar or set an alarm to remind you about the validation. The quick link for adding the validation event to your calendar is available on the Idena website and in the Idena Web App. Tell how exactly you will be reminded about the date and time of the validation ceremony when you ask for the invitation.
  • Train yourself to pass the validation ceremony in the app by doing Training Validations. Training validations become available when you create your account in the Web App, no invitation is needed to do that.
  • There are three levels of Training Validation certificates: Easy, Medium, and Hard. The certificate with the Hard level requires the highest level of discipline time management skills. Achieve top level of mastery to prove you are ready for the real validation and won’t miss it. Current numbers already show that a Hard certificate is a good guarantee you will get an invitation:
The share of users who received invitation using their training validation certificates
  • Share a link to your certificate when you ask for an invitation. The better the certificate you have, the easier you will get the invite.

Be proactive

Don’t stick to formalities: show your genuine interest in Idena and proactively contribute to the community. The Idena is built on community principles, so if you want to become a part of it, ask how you can help to make the ecosystem a better place. Be active, and the invitation will find you naturally. There are some ideas how you can contribute on the website, but don’t be limited to that and be creative. Join Idena community channels and ask the people there about the projects they are working on. There is surely something you can help with.

Keep in touch

Stay in contact with your inviter even after you have received your invitation code. There are three reasons to do that:

  • Your inviter can help you to overcome any difficulties, better understand the technology, introduce you to the Idena community, and help to navigate around all the community platforms, chats, and knowledge sources accumulated for epochs.
  • Your inviter gets rewarded for your first three validations. For this period, they are your guide and patron in the Idena world. They can help you to walk your path from Candidate to Human: connect to a shared node, migrate from Web to Desktop App and start mining, set up a remote node on VPS, and even create your own shared node for your prospect invitees if you want.
  • And last, but not least, your inviter can terminate your invite if you are not responding, or there is another invitation seeker who is more active and promising. Stay proactive, raise your Training Validation certificate level, and ensure your inviter that you are here to stay.

Keep training and increase the level of your certificate even after you have received your invite. Notify your inviter when you get a better certificate and send them the link. If your inviter meets another invitation seeker with a higher level of certificate than you have, the chance is high that the inviter will terminate your invite and give it to that person to have a more trained candidate. Get the highest certificate level to secure your invite.

The community is eager to share invitations with prospective newcomers

We saw people complaining in the chats that they have to beg for invitations. Approach the quest of getting an invitation as building a win-win partnership:

  • From one side, you get an invitation to earn rewards for validation, mining, and making flips;
  • From the other side, your inviter gets rewarded for your first three successful validations.

Treat this interaction as a mutually beneficial contract. You invest your time and effort to learn Idena, train yourself for validation and pass it. On the other hand, your inviter takes the responsibility for inviting you, because if you don’t attend the validation, they lose the rewards for their invite. There are black lists in the community for the candidates who activate the invite and then don’t show up at the validation ceremony. So if you fail your inviter one time, you will probably not have a second chance. Be honorable and keep your word. Because in the anonymous world of crypto your online reputation is your most important and most valuable asset.

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Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: