How to get maximum rewards from your invites

A complete guide on how to find candidates, issue invitations, and make sure they attend the validation ceremony



Invitation rewards can constitute up to around 90% of all your rewards. At the moment of writing this post, there are identities who received almost 400 iDNA for invitations only in one epoch. So if you want to earn maximum rewards in Idena, it is important to employ the best strategy for giving out your invites. Here is a guide on how to do that.

Find the best candidate

You get rewarded for the first three successful validations of your candidate. So your perfect candidate is someone who is committed enough to attend three validations and skilled enough to pass. But how to make the right choice?

  • Ask for a Training Validation certificate. Talk with the invitation seeker to deduce if they are responsible and committed. Ask them why they are interested in Idena and if they plan to do at least the first three validations.
  • There are three levels of certificates:
  1. Easy—the easiest to get. Validation starts in one minute after the user requests it.

The invitation seeker with this certificate level is already familiar with the validation procedure and more trustworthy than the seeker with no certificate at all.

2. Medium— average commitment and level of trust.

Validation starts in one hour after the user requests it. The seeker with this certificate level is already confident with the validation procedure and has some time management skills. So it is more probable that they don’t miss the real validation ceremony than an owner of the Easy certificate.

3. Hard— highest commitment and trust.

Validation is scheduled on the next day after the user’s request, at 13:30 UTC. The seeker with the Hard certificate has decent time management skills. Planning the validation ceremony and coming on time is not a problem for them.

  • Choose the invitation seeker with the highest certificate level when you have several people applying. Getting higher levels of certificates require more diligence and effort from the invitation seeker. The higher the certificate level, the more committed this candidate is.
  • When you are requested from an invitation seeker with a certificate of a higher level than your current candidate, you can consider to terminate the invitation for the less reliable candidate and issue it to the more committed one. Although, keep in mind that the later you activate an invite, the less rewards you get for it. Balance your risk and ask your current candidate to get a certificate of higher level. And only if they fail to do that, consider transferring your invite to the more prospective seeker.

In general, the best candidate is the one who is genuinely interested in Idena and shares the values of the community. This type of candidate is self-motivated to learn how Idena works and to take part in the life of the community and the ecosystem. If you find such a candidate, the rest will come naturally.

Issue the invite properly

A common problem with the invitation codes shared in private messages can be the collision of invites. Someone asks for an invite in a public chat, and several people send their invitation codes. Training Validation certificates mitigate this problem: the certificate has the address and the status of the certified identity. It allows you to be sure your invitation is exclusive.

  • Check the status of the address in the certificate to prevent double invitations.

If the status of the address is Invite or Candidate (or even Newbie/Verified/Human), that means that this address is already activated. Find another invitation seeker with Not validated status who hasn’t received and activated an invitation yet.

  • Issue the invitation directly to the invitation seeker’s address to make sure the address is activated with your invitation.

If this address is already activated, you will get an error and your invitation code will not be wasted. You will still be able to use it to invite someone else.

Guide your candidate and foster their development

In our era of information overload, people get distracted easily. Especially from an event such as Idena Validation Ceremony scheduled in a couple of weeks. Stay connected with your candidate and keep them engaged all the way before their first validation and through the first three epochs.

  • Check on your candidate several times before the Validation Ceremony, keep in touch with them and be ready to answer their questions. Make sure they are committed to attending.
  • Check if your candidate knows the day and the time of the validation. Advice to add an event to their calendar as a reminder. It is easy to do from the Web App or from the front page of the Idena website.
  • If your candidate doesn’t respond, they have probably forgotten about the validation and don’t plan to attend. You can terminate the invitation for this candidate and issue a new one to someone more committed. Find another invitation seeker who shows themselves more responsible instead.
  • Check on your invitee before their second and third validation. In case they don’t respond, you can kill their identity and get 1/6 of their stake. Use it only as a last measure, because the reward you get if you kill their identity is lower than the reward you get if you manage to contact them and make sure they attend the validation ceremony.

Guides and formalities aside, always stay a welcoming host and mentor for your invitees, share your knowledge generously, and take care of the newcomers. Sometimes Idena can be technically challenging, and it is the community that makes this land of equal possibilities a friendly and resourceful place. The best of luck to you and your invitees for the upcoming validations. Let your flips be fun and challenging!

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