Idena Chronicles

Epoch #0089

Published in
10 min readJul 27, 2022


Network metrics

Active miners — total number of actively mining identities running their own mining nodes or delegated into mining pools.

Mining nodes — total number of full mining nodes run by individual identities or pool owners who activated online status.

Newcomers — number of addresses that validated for the first time

Success ratio — share of users attended the validation and successfully validated

Active wallets — unique wallets that made transactions during the last epoch


Network stats


Node type stats for the last validation

Nodes on VPS — users running their nodes on VPS

Built-in nodes — users of the Idena Desktop App with build-in node

Shared nodes (web) — Web App users renting shared nodes via marketplace

N/A — users running outdated versions of nodes (VPS/built-in nodes)

Unknown shared nodes (web ) — Web App users who connect to shared nodes that are not listed in the Idena shared nodes marketplace

The data is given for the latest validation.

To have a smooth and reliable validation ceremony experience, we recommend using VPS or built-in nodes if you have fast Internet connection and good router, or the nodes listed in the node marketplace in the official Idena Web App in other cases.

Reporting performance

Quadratic staking progress

Idena Core Team Development


  1. IIP-5: Mining rewards based on quadratic staking
  2. MyIdena telegram bot update
  3. Shard shuffling
  4. Decentralized Ads development
  5. Decentralized content moderation
  6. Reward system for the best flips

IIP-5: Mining rewards based on quadratic staking

We published the Idena improvement proposal (IIP-5) to change the block reward distribution. Instead of a fixed mining reward, the block proposer and block validators will be paid in proportion to their stake to the power of 0.9.

The proposed change aims to increase the mining rewards for solo-miners who accumulate their stakes and reduce mining rewards for large pools that mostly sell their coins. It does not affect the consensus mechanism, which implies equality of votes when verifying blocks according to the principle: one node = one vote.

See the difference between mining rewards distribution before and after IIP-5:

You can check the latest version of IIP-5 here

Calculate your future mining rewards according to IIP-5

The IIP-5 oracle voting has started. Please support it with your vote:

MyIdena telegram bot update

Now users who subscribed to MyIdena telegram bot will get notifications about their current stake and the estimated staking reward if they pass the next validation successfully. The notification will be sent 2 days before validation.

The example of notification about your stake

Subscribe to MyIdena bot to get personalized notifications based on your identity’s status

Shards shuffling

Since our community members have some concerns about the dominance of pools in a particular shard, we share statistics on the distribution of identities across shards.

As you can see, currently all 4 shards are quite balanced and pools are distributed evenly. We do not see any disbalance in the shards.

In the future, it is possible to add shuffling of randomly selected accounts between shards after each validation, however, this is not a priority change at the moment.

Decentralized Ads development

Currently we are working on adding ads during the training validation and the prime time of validation ceremony. The maximum burn rate at the last ceremony reached 100 iDNA. The total burn rate on validation day was ~450 iDNA which is much higher than the burn rate on the non-validation day.

Ads will be shown on the countdown before and after the validation. Here is an example of the new design of the validation countdown with integrated ads.

Decentralized content moderation

Since the launch of decentralized ads, around 3k iDNA has been spent to review by oracles. As we see randomly selected Oracles do their great job of moderating the ads. However, with the help of a decentralized network of people, it is possible to moderate not only ads, but also any content on any third-party website. Such a website only needs to submit a content to oracles for review and then, after voting is over, check the results of the vote to filter the displayed content.

We foresee that such Sybil-resistant content moderation can be used in decentralized social media and serve as a basis for improving the quality of content and reducing the degree of social polarization inherent in modern social media.

Read our recent publication on Hackernoon about Eliminating Polarization in Web3

Reward system for the best flips

Current version of Idena protocol provides the possibility of an increase in rewards for flips based on the committee members’ decision in the long session. Committee members can vote using the following grades:

  • Grade “D” — basic flip reward
  • Grade “C” — basic flip reward increased 2 times
  • Grade “B” — basic flip reward increased 4 times
  • Grade “A” — basic flip reward increased 8 times

If committee members vote for various grades, then the average grade is used for the flip reward. See more details.

Currently when a user approves a flip it’s set to the basic flip reward with grade “D”. So far, we have not used the flip grading system due to concerns of misuse. Users may want to reward trivial or easy flips instead of creative and unique ones. However, we want to take a step towards and experiment with the flip reward system.

There will be an option to mark 1 flip as the best one during the long session. If 1/3 of the committee votes for this flip as the best one, then its author will receive an increased reward for the flip.

In the future it is possible to expand the voting for the best flips (for example, by choosing 3 best flips with grades A, B and C). However, we need to make sure this feature is used correctly. We consider it undesirable if trivial and easily solvable flips are marked as the best ones. On the contrary, we would like to see an agreement formed in the community that exceptional and not ordinary flips with non-standard stories should be encouraged, as well as flips with collages, hand drawings or flips with a smart shuffle that does not allow this flip to be solved at first glance.


Global community channels

Top active users

Community Discord leaderboard:

Telegram — Global community leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Balkan leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Italia leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena France leaderboard:

If you want to feature your telegram community leaderboard in the Idena Chronicles, please add ComBot to your telegram group and add @AndrewIdena to the list of group admins to give the Idena core team access to your group stats.

Idena website translations

Idena website translations
Idena website translations by languages
Idena Web app translations
Idena Web app translations by languages

We invite you to join the idena translation community and contribute to the translation of the Idena website to your language!

If you want to take part in translation verification and funding, please contact Syd or Rioda to join the translation management workgroup.

Community updates

Edited by Syd


Hello Idenians! As I am enjoying summertime and taking some rest from the crypto craze madness, Idena community is moving forward, stronger than ever. IIP-5 proposal generated an extraordinary amount of discussions, brainstorming and feedback from the community (, that ultimately will decide through oracle voting.

But that’s not all! Even in July, the community is still building and spreading the word about Idena.

Digital Democracy without a Centralized Identity”: Idena featured in The Blockchain Socialist Podcast

A new podcast featuring Idena has been released by The Blockchain Socialist. In this podcast, the importance of sybil resistance for Digital Democracy is being mentioned. But Digital Democracy is also about Privacy, and that’s also how Idena is making a difference. Finally resilience against AI is a key point which is also addressed:

If you want to hear more, check it out!

Huge thanks to @TravCrypto1 and @WorldIdena (also known as Fireshift/Ltraveler) for perfectly representing Idena Community.

Know your shard! A simple tool available on

Are you wondering in which shard your identity takes home? You can easily check that with your identity address with the “Check Shard” tool available on

While this is more gimmicky than anything, it’s a good opportunity to remind that @Rioda’s website is a very well documented starting point for any research about Idena and is also perfect to introduce the network to your friends.

Don’t hesitate to share and support it.

Notable Tweets

Idena community was pretty excited about the last Chronicles! Keep it on:

· Many developments…

· Such enthusiasm!

Community Wallet

Address: 0x182d0fDC04859021456c4F8EE5314AcF57E31650 (multi-sig wallet)

Amount : 25 755,114 iDNA

Please go through this section below, as the Community is now empowered to build and get funded/rewarded through a democratic governance leveraged by Idena Oracles. Everyone can make a funding proposal.

1) Translations payments under previous governance

Last Epoch, while I was still holding the Community Wallet, 750 iDNA has been sent to @Ltraveler/Fireshift and to @Zen for their translations works.

You can find the tx in the explorer: (Ltraveler) (Zen)

2) Community funds have now been transferred to the multisig wallet — First Community delegates have been selected

Above payments were my last actions as the holder of the Community Wallet since now the funds have been officially transferred to the community, in accordance to new governance rules established by Ubiubi2018 and voted by the Community (ICYMI:

The community funds can now be traced in a multi-sig wallet ( which is governed by these rules.

Five delegates were selected through “lottocracy” process, for 3 epochs. Our first delegates are

@georgiy, @NPC69, @zorga, @Fireshift and @Ubiubi2018! Congratulations to them!


a) Everyone is able to make proposals which requires community funding, on the Discord channel #community-proposals-and-discussions

b) Every proposal must be vouched by supporters (≥8 humans thumbs up) to be eligible (tbd by community-delegates)

c) Community funds requesters need to submit a one-pager, to make their proposal eligible (you can use the publishing platform you prefer)

· What is your proposal/request about?

· Why should the network care about that idea?

· How much funding do/did you need?

· How and where will you provide evidence / results of your project?

· Which address is to be funded?

· What is the desired start and finish date?

· Additional info/resources? Pseudonymous contact?

d) Everything can then be discussed in the discord channel ; delegates will transparently discuss and challenge proposals.

e) Community delegates collect proposals / requests and set up oracles accordingly after discussion and filtering out (in the limit of available community funds).

f) Community delegates control community multisig wallet according to Oracle decisions.

g) Oracle discussion and debates can also be done in the channel #community-proposals-and-discussions

All power to the oracles! While this start as an experiment (and will learn/iterate some aspects), we are trying to make an actual Democratic governance by leveraging Idena Network Oracles, so let’s try to make it right!

4) First proposal, first Oracle!

I invite everyone to have a look every now and then to the channel #community-proposals-and-discussions to follow the fully transparent discussions regarding the process of a proposal going through the community-delegates filter, but also regarding Oracle discussions.

A first proposal regarding community translations funding was submitted and an Oracle was set-up by the Community Delegates. All info regarding the proposal can be found in the Oracle:

Please make your voice count if you are picked in the voting pool!

Note: From now on, the Community Chronicles will regularly mention the on-going Oracles for Community wallet funding.

Join the Idena community:



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Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: