Idena Chronicles

Epochs 131–140

Published in
10 min read3 hours ago


Network metrics

Epoch #0140

Active miners — total number of actively mining identities running their own mining nodes or delegated into mining pools.

Mining nodes — total number of full mining nodes run by individual identities or pool owners who activated online status.

Newcomers — number of addresses that validated for the first time

Success ratio — share of users attended the validation and successfully validated

Active wallets — unique wallets that made transactions during the last epoch

Network stats

Number of validated identities by status
Number of validating nodes

Last validation stats

  • Nodes on VPS — users running their nodes on VPS
  • Built-in nodes — users of the Idena Desktop App with build-in node
  • Shared nodes (web) — Web App users renting shared nodes via marketplace
  • Unknown shared nodes (web ) — Web App users who connect to shared nodes that are not listed in the Idena shared nodes marketplace

To have a smooth and reliable validation ceremony experience, we recommend using VPS or built-in nodes if you have fast Internet connection and good router, or the nodes listed in the node marketplace in the official Idena Web App in other cases.


Idena Core Team Update

  1. Public speaking streak by Idena’s founder
  2. Gitcoin Grants Round 20
  3. Video tutorial competition
  4. Flip Wars — AI Gauntlet

Public speaking streak by Idena’s founder

Mikhail Nikulin, the Idena’s founder, together with Puja Ohlhaver, a lawyer and researcher, were speakers at the Ethereum Zurich event on April 6th. Their presentation focused on their recent research paper on Proof-of-Personhood, with Idena featured as a significant case study.

You can watch the video recording of their presentation by following this link:

On April 17th Mikhail, Puja and Paula also participated online in the MetaGov seminar. Their presentation was a focal point of the seminar, sparking an engaging discussion on identity verification and the challenges of puppeteering in decentralized systems. The video is available on this link:

Following that, they continued to share their expertise at an online event hosted by RadicalxChange. This event further explored the themes of identity and decentralization, building on the discussions from previous engagements. The recording of their talk can watched here

On May 26th Mikhail and Puja were speakers at ETHBerlin04, an offline event dedicated to addressing the identity crisis in the blockchain space. The narrative of the research paper aligns perfectly with the manifesto of this event. Besides the presentation, Mikhail had an opportunity to meet in person with members of the Idena community, talk and answer their questions.

Puja and Mikhail at ETHBerlin

Additionally, on June 13th, Harvard Kennedy School hosted a virtual event where Puja, Mikhail and Paula were invited to present their paper. Their presentation was followed by an in-depth Q&A session, providing an opportunity for participants to explore the nuances of their research.

Gitcoin Grants Round 20

Idena participated in Gitcoin Grants Round 20 in the Web3 infrastructure section and received over $4K in donations from 2,282 participants. This amount was further matched with an additional $7K from the Ethereum Foundation, bringing the total to $11K.

We would like to thank all donors for your contributions and continuous support of IDENA!

Additionally, please remember that if you have a validated identity, you can earn up to 10.08 points in Gitcoin Passport. By adding stamps from Idena and other providers, you can participate in the next funding rounds. Your donations will be matched based on your Gitcoin Passport score, allowing you to maximize the impact of your contributions.

Adding Idena stamp to the Gitcoin Passport

Video tutorial competition

With the influx of newcomers, particularly those joining from Gitcoin Passport, we noticed a significant demand for video tutorials about Idena. To address this need, we decided to launch a video competition with a prize pool of 30,000 iDNA:

  • 1st prize — 15,000 iDNA
  • 2nd prize — 10,000 iDNA
  • 3rd prize — 5,000 iDNA

To enter the competition, participants were required to post a video or series of videos in English on YouTube by the end of May.

As a result, a team of community members created comprehensive video tutorials that cover all the essential topics for newcomers:

In the Oracle voting, 90% of Oracles supported awarding the 1st prize to the authors of these videos.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Dorde and Thunderstrike for their amazing work. Their efforts have provided invaluable resources for our community.

For everyone else, please feel free to share these tutorials with your invitees. These videos will help them navigate the nuances of their Idena journey and get the most out of their experience.

Flip Wars — AI Gauntlet

During May and June, the Idena community was engaged in the highly anticipated Flip Wars, hosted by Dorde. This time, the event was enhanced by integrating Idena AI into the process. Each participant was required to demonstrate that their flip could not be easily solved by Idena AI. On one hand, it increased awareness of Idena AI, encouraging more community members to use it for their regular flips. On the other hand, it raised the bar for creativity, as trivial flips were less likely to enter the competition.

Congratulations to S e s e o r a n g, the winner of Flip Wars!

The winner’s flip for the keywords: network-wire

Q&A from IDENA dev team

Q: “Optional flip making was discussed some time ago. Does the team have an updated opinion on this topic?” (by Zen)

Essentially, the creation of flips is already optional. There are several ways to avoid creating flips. For example, some users create two accounts and validate them alternately (a suspended account does not require flip creation), or they submit trivial flips like “1234” (which are highly likely to be reported). We do not want to make the optionality of flips explicit, as this could lead to a sharp decline in the ratio of the number of flips to the number of users.

Q: “As you’ve built a tool to score the AI-resistance of flips, do you have plans to integrate this tool to redistribute the Flip Rewards based on how AI-resistant each flip is? If not, what are the reasons/barriers not to do so? Without an incentive mechanism to create flips that are more AI resistant, do you think that enough participants will take the extra time and effort to build flips that are more AI resistant? If not, do you think that Idena will remain AI-resistant?

As a follow-up to my previous question:

As an alternative to integrate the Idena AI to the node, would it be possible for the grading of flips to take place off-chain through the Idena AI, then to have Idena AI post the hash (representing the flip and the grading) on-chain so it can be used during the validation to assign a AI resistance score to each graded flips? The flips grading would be optional but grading flips would pay more rewards such as:

- No grade pays 0.5x

- Low grade pays 1x

- Medium grade pays 3x

- High grade pays 6x” (by JustinMiles)

We should avoid relying solely on the Idena AI and hard-coding it into the validation process. Ideally, multiple AIs should be used, allowing users to choose different AIs during validation. This approach would help ensure a broader consensus on AI resistance and enhance the robustness of the validation process.

During the long session, each committee receives a subset of flips (for example 3–5 minimizing hassle) to challenge with AI. Participants are tasked with evaluating these flips for AI resistance using any AI tool of their choice. Once the committee reaches a consensus, the flip is reported.

As we encourage participants to use a variety of AI tools, grading flips based on an AI-resistance score is impractical. Instead, consensus can only be reached on whether a flip is AI-resistant or not.

Q: “I also would like to have your opinion on another option to implement a grading mechanisms for AI resistant flips: An AI-resistant flip session could be added to the long session in which committee members would copy/paste each flip to the Idena AI and report back the grading (low, medium, high). This way we could assign a grade to each flip and reward committee members through an “AI-resistance fund” for providing the answer aligned with the consensus.” (by JustinMiles)

Yes, that makes sense. Reporting non-AI-resistant flips is essentially the same as regular reporting. However, allocating a separate budget could provide additional incentive to check flips using AI, especially for those flips that did not fall into any existing reporting categories.

Q: “While IDENA boasts strong fundamentals, its lack of marketing presence compared to projects with less merit who heavily invest in advertising (Galxe campaigns, including influencer campaigns) is concerning. Don’t you think we need to increase our marketing efforts to ensure IDENA’s potential is recognized?” (by Athman3)

Yes, of course, marketing is necessary. However, marketing involves significant ongoing costs, which are often recouped through pump-and-dump schemes in meme coins built solely on marketing. If you have any particular ideas, please propose them. We are ready to support any initiatives and fund them from the foundation wallet.

Q: “Can you tell us more about the idena bootstrap nodes? Are they all ran by the core team? It also looks like there are only 4 such nodes. (by Zen)

We maintain two boot nodes. The other two are community members’ nodes. If you run a shared node with a static IP address, you can submit a pull request to have your node included in the list of boot nodes.

Q: “Why do built-in nodes and VPS nodes (server profile) use different ports?” (by Zen)

By default, the node starts with RPC port 9009. However, to avoid conflicts, the built-in node starts with RPC port 9119.

Q: “There has been talk about how it would be great if Idena could have a bridge to Ethereum and Solana respectively. Since there is not a lot of activity from the core devs I assume that you would not be willing to undertake such task but would you be willing to finance someone from the community devs to do it?” (by NPC69)

If you mean a bridge for Wrapped IDNA similar to, that bridge was developed by the community. Of course, we are ready to support the development of similar bridges for other networks.

Q: “The problem of malicious reporting is becoming more burdensome. Please, take a look at hlolve’s proposal on Github. The idea is not yet fully developed but it’s a great way to start. It deals not only with bad acting but it also paves the way to mass adoption. I would like to know your opinion about it and. I would also urge you to prioritise this issue.?” (by NPC69)

This comment fully reflects our viewpoint on this proposal. If we weaken AI resistance in the second group, it could negatively impact trust of external services (like Gitcoin) in Idena.

If you have more questions post it in the comments below. We will pick the most interesting questions to answer them in the next Chronicles.


Global community channels

Top active users

Community Discord leaderboard:

Telegram — Global community leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Balkan leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Italia leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena France leaderboard:

If you want to feature your telegram community leaderboard in the Idena Chronicles, please add ComBot to your telegram group and add @AndrewIdena to the list of group admins to give the Idena core team access to your group stats.

Join the Idena community:



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Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: