Idena Chronicles

Epoch #0071



Network metrics


Network stats


Idena Core Team Development


Translations engine

We have added Weblate translation engine, a libre web-based translation tool with tight version control integration, that works with the Idena website. To submit a translation, go to

Web App

  • A candidate can activate a free API key in the Web App if they have already activated their invite code on the Desktop App, but want to take part in the validation in the Web App for some reason;
  • The log of the last validation can now be exported as a text file from the Settings page;
  • The fee for renting a shared node goes directly to the wallet of the node owner;
  • Shared node online status is now displayed next to the node on the node marketplace.


  • Optimized flip keys synchronization algorithm allows the node to use less traffic during the validation ceremony;
  • Empty blocks mining optimization;
  • API was extended to allow getting the inviter address by the invitation address.

Desktop App

  • Newbies are advised what to do after their first validation with onboarding tips (activate mining, create flips);
  • Current invitation reward ratio is displayed on the Main page and on the Contacts page. The invitation reward decreases with time starting from the beginning of the epoch;
  • Serbian, German, and Chinese translations have been updated (thanks to @alek-v, @translate3d, and @wc7086).

The number of users that use Idena web app for validation is constantly growing:


Global community channels

Top active users — Global community Telegram group:

Local community channels

Telegram Arabic-speaking group also reported their activity stats, that we gladly publish:

Size: 190 members

Top active users rating:

If you also want to feature what’s going on in your local community, please contact Syd (see his contacts at the end of the post)

Community updates

Edited by Syd

Great participation from the Community during the 24th June AMA — thank you everyone!

An important reminder from the AMA is that the Idena Community is entitled and encouraged to participate in the development of Idena at every level. Don’t hesitate for instance to propose an abuse-resistant governance system for the zero wallet fund, to come discuss in the Community Discord channel #platform-suggestions about your ideas to increase conversion rate from candidate to newbies, to help newbies in #flip-help by using the Idena Discord Auth Sign-in bot, or to participate in the translation of Idena website.

Notable Tweets — Our community got talent!

@PrivacyGeorge had a great discussion with @AdliTB and @humptycalderon regarding Idena. If you missed it, please check it out.

@porobov_p made a reminding tweet about supporting Idena through Gitcoin’s Quadratic funding… which itself highly benefits from anti-sybil tools such as Idena!

Community Wallet

Adress : 0x943832AfD0C54136eeb4bBdA2cfb8579F86F63Cc

Amount (7th July 2021) : 18 876,992 iDNA

Please refer to Syd (@Syd-ai on Telegram; Syd#9907 on Discord) if you have any suggestions for contributing to the community part of the Idena Chronicles or organizing Community events.



Editor for

Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: